
Started back at the gym recently. No tangible aims other than to de-stress, give me something to take my mind off work, and improve general fitness and condition.

Finishing last night with Tabata log clean-and-press (only 30kg) has killed me today. Ouch!
hunnymonster said:
Oh and I've invested in a pair of cycling shorts - not for any other reason than the padded arse/undercarriage region - now that makes a difference and a half! Wearing them under the long trackies - so nobody locally realises I'm a MAMIL :D

I'm not quite sure how you covered all those previous miles without some serious chaffing, personally I like to wear the full length trouser which seems to lessen the MAMIL effect.
Well I've now been below the interim target for a week now... new target is to drop a further 10kg. -29.8kg from where I was in Agust.

180,000kCal expended.

Looking at getting a new bike (actually will probably be a reconditioned ex-hire job) - many things (pedals (again!), chain, rear cassette, wheel bearings, ...) are beginning to show signs of age-related distress on the current yoke - so a new one is on the horizon I think.
my advice to Smallbeard and anyone else who is starting up running, or indeed does it now is to get off-road - much more fun. You really don't notice the time pass. no need for headphones to drown out the cars, the birds and wind etc take care of that. stunning views, well up here in Yarksha anyway. Best of all much less impact on the knees etc.

get a copy of Run Wild by Boff Whalley for inspiration.
excerpt from his website...

I have no mail-order service at the moment. Actually I don't know if I ever will have. I'm too unreliable, I get overwhelmed very easily dealing with names & addresses, money and post offices. Yes, it's pathetic, I know.

Run Wild is available from various bookshops and is published by Simon & Schuster in paperback. It's dead cheap on Amazon, but I'm not recommending you buy it from them. You could do worse than get it online (and below cover price) from Foyle's Books in the UK. People who know about books and love books.

Footnote, published by Pomona, along with various Chumbawamba CDs and DVDs, is available from the Chumbawamba website.
So roughly 30kg was an interim target? That's almost 5 stone since June.
That has to be around 8 inches off the need new trousers fella! Not far off 1 kilo a week for 8 months, bloody good going ;)

So...whats the goal and hows the sciatica?

When I was 39 I weighed in at 121kg @6' tall, 10 months later, swimming 1 mile or 32 lengths front crawl of a Olympic size 50mtr pool I was down to 85kg I was on quite a brutal diet though, virtually fat free but with quite high carbohydrate calories & 1 session down the boozer a week ;)
I was prompted by constant lower back pain, and 2 instances of kidney stones. Probably the most excruciating pain I have ever experienced.

46 now and fluctuate between 84-87kg throughout the year...still swimming 3-5 times a week + 8 miles a day on the bike but still have to watch what I eat which is frustrating when my guvnor eats 3 times as much as me but weighs roughly the same and does a similar amount of exercise :(
superflyguy said:
my advice to Smallbeard and anyone else who is starting up running, or indeed does it now is to get off-road - much more fun. You really don't notice the time pass. no need for headphones to drown out the cars, the birds and wind etc take care of that. stunning views, well up here in Yarksha anyway. Best of all much less impact on the knees etc.

get a copy of Run Wild by Boff Whalley for inspiration.
excerpt from his website...

I have no mail-order service at the moment. Actually I don't know if I ever will have. I'm too unreliable, I get overwhelmed very easily dealing with names & addresses, money and post offices. Yes, it's pathetic, I know.

Run Wild is available from various bookshops and is published by Simon & Schuster in paperback. It's dead cheap on Amazon, but I'm not recommending you buy it from them. You could do worse than get it online (and below cover price) from Foyle's Books in the UK. People who know about books and love books.

Footnote, published by Pomona, along with various Chumbawamba CDs and DVDs, is available from the Chumbawamba website.

Why not Amazon?
Superb and very impressive! Yeah I thought that sciatica would have made a mysterious exit :D

If I can offer you some advice, go lower than your intended target, when you begin to ease off it takes a while to get that equilibrium and you end up putting on a little finding your way ;)

Keep the updates coming!
Fido said:
superflyguy said:
my advice to Smallbeard and anyone else who is starting up running, or indeed does it now is to get off-road - much more fun. You really don't notice the time pass. no need for headphones to drown out the cars, the birds and wind etc take care of that. stunning views, well up here in Yarksha anyway. Best of all much less impact on the knees etc.

get a copy of Run Wild by Boff Whalley for inspiration.
excerpt from his website...

I have no mail-order service at the moment. Actually I don't know if I ever will have. I'm too unreliable, I get overwhelmed very easily dealing with names & addresses, money and post offices. Yes, it's pathetic, I know.

Run Wild is available from various bookshops and is published by Simon & Schuster in paperback. It's dead cheap on Amazon, but I'm not recommending you buy it from them. You could do worse than get it online (and below cover price) from Foyle's Books in the UK. People who know about books and love books.

Footnote, published by Pomona, along with various Chumbawamba CDs and DVDs, is available from the Chumbawamba website.

Why not Amazon?

Coz Boff says not! Link above
Re: RE: Running

hunnymonster said:
many things (pedals (again!), chain, rear cassette, wheel bearings, ...) are beginning to show signs of age-related distress on the current yoke - so a new one is on the horizon I think.

So a week past Thursday I replaced the chain... No improvement in the bike... New cassette arrived Monday and installed (with a lot of swearing) and all was going well again... Silky smooth gear changes, no chain skip... Then I made the fatal error of washing the bike.

Rear rim has more cracks than a Roman stucco wall. All radiating from the nipples (why is everything on a bike so innuendo-laden?). So rode on this week and got a new wheel (a lot less hassle than buying a rim and building the wheel) which I transplanted the brake disc and cassette (and tyre and tube of course) on to that today.

Oh and there appears to be a second bike in the garage now :D
Apropos nothing in particular...


I feel his pain... Everywhere I ride around here there's one fella at the top of the leaderboard. I was beginning to get paranoid when I worked out he was about 15... Now I hear from my local lycralout that the chap in question is a promising GB cyclist... No wonder he's thrashing my ass! (Got him on one though... Assume his bike broke part way through it and he stopped to fix it)
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