
Met with my nephew at 'family nite' this week. He's ~40 and has been running for awhile. Like you he prefers paths and wooded areas.
Well the short of it... He fell 4-5 months ago and has been developing pain in a heel area and shoulder. It finally got so bad that he went to the Dr's this past week. X-rays , ultra sounds, blood work... Found out this week that it wasn't the fall! All tests neg but the blood work. Lyme Disease! Must have been bitten by a Tick in one of his woodland runs this past summer!! Started on a months worth of antibiotics to see if that will control it...,
Now moved on to mixed cycling and walking, after I managed to strain my calf (walking hurt, cycling didn't)...

1390km walked (1.93 million steps) - 148000kCal
275km cycled - 11000kCal

A total of 296 boxes of Jaffa Cakes equivalent (17.6kg of pure lard)

24.7kg weight lost...

I feel no different in myself - but I note my resting heart rate is now high-50s (was around 70) and my blood pressure is now 120/75 or thereabouts.
A heart rate of sub 60 for someone of your stature is actually quite impressive.

I notice you're nailing the Jaffa cakes, a (past) weakness of yours perhaps? Any dietary changes or is it all down to energy expenditure?
I see your campaign is really taking hold..."The constant association of our country and people with meanness and cheapness is beginning to hit at the borders..."
I have the opposite problem, but with me it's an unwillingness to invest in fat lady clothes that I've needed for several years now. Maybe the coming New Year's resolutions will stick this time....first time for everything.:blush:
Fido said:
And I still dream of getting back into several pairs of liitle worn trousers.

At first reading I took 'little' to be describing trousers as little like hot pants. On re-reading I am pleased to see it meant 'infrequent'.

My own waist was kept at 32 by walking and running. But since I cut beer from about 12 pints a week to 2 or 3 pints and ate less sweets and fried food I am now a 30 inch waist.
Small updatelet... Managed to only gain 1.4kg (so still 25.4kg lighter than on August 5th) since Christmas Eve... Back in saddle (except when its pissing down and/or blowing a gale - don't mind getting caught out in it, but not leaving in it voluntarily). So a small setback but nothing outrageous
OK - lost the festive gain... now less than a bag of self-raising from interim my target... and considering a new target - to drop a further 10kg beyond the interim target. It's a stretch and will make me lighter than I've been since 1985 (when I was 15 and about 4 inches shorter than now). Now 27.6kg lost since August.

Oh and I've invested in a pair of cycling shorts - not for any other reason than the padded arse/undercarriage region - now that makes a difference and a half! Wearing them under the long trackies - so nobody locally realises I'm a MAMIL