
joe mcclaine said:
Humans are the most efficient bare-foot running machines on the planet - it's trainers that have knackered everyone's knees.

Doesn't matter which ones you get, they all bugger about with our natural physiology.

You are indeed correct! We are designed to run without shoes and our knees and other joints are perfectly adapted to it. But have you ever stomped on a small stone with the heal of your bare foot? It's agonizingly painfull and can chip the bone. I used to run barefoot when trying to impersonate a South African lass that everyone thought was daft. But do it on tarmac every day and your feet won't last long.
I sometimes run barefoot on fresh tarmac, but glass/stones/needles/dog shit are hazards to be avoided.

For road running I have flat soled new balance trainers. I run forward on my feet, as you would bare foot. Off road running I have very grippy, yet thin new balance trainers. They help with mud and rock.
I'm afraid my country of birth has had (and still does have) more than its fair share of dafties. The country is in a downward spiral that I fear will lead to complete and utter chaos in the not so distant future.

But enough of that as this is a thread about running and we don't do politics here do we.
1p plus postage. All you need to know - and a lot more.
You don't need anything fancy. Interval training is good slower pace then faster. That is what I do in the gym. Also don't run on the road, been there done that, it hurts. Try and run on grass if possible, luckily I have Cannock Chase by me so I can go up there and run over there.
This is interesting Hunny - how long do you walk for daily (or however often you do it) and how far? How are you measuring the distance so accurately? Finally, how much weight loss?
No firm idea on the total weight loss (although I have moved 5 holes up on the belt and lost 7.5kg last month)... Using a GPS watch to measure (and heart rate monitor)... and how long and how far? When the fancy takes me for as long as I want to go... typically 90 mins per day something around 10km average per day.

Motivation is purely statistical... getting to the next 50km, 50 miles, 10000kCal, 2500m of ascent,...
I used to love my 10k races. Set modest targets like finishing in the top 60% of the field. I do admire marathon runners. Never managed more than the New Forest 10 mile race. Going off at 1pm in mid summer I found that too long for comfort. An unresolved foot problem has ended my running now. Enjoy it while you can!
Haha, that's what we've missed, Graeme!

I appreciate all the responses to this, but it turned out getting SWMBO to consider exercising more than once a week (unfortunately NOT in that way, either) is more of a Herculean task than getting her to accept my 'hobby' of traditional shaving and all the gear that's came with it. As such, I've just been running on my own when I can, and can complete the 5km in just under half an hour still, but am much less knackered at the end.

I was running down the road today, and fell arse over tit over a pokey up paving slab, and bruised my leg up nicely. I was more worried I looked like a complete cock as there was at least 3 cars that would have seen it. No one stopped to see if I was alright, I wasn't hanging around though due to my embarrassment! Here's my leg. [attachment=8453]


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