Rules for selling on the Buy, Sell, Trade forum

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To sell you must be an active member of the community here, that does not mean simply being registered, neither does it mean 50 posts of "wow, great razor" (or indeed "welcome to TSR"), rather more considered posts (questions or answers) nor does it mean you've been registered for any particular period of time.

If it is deemed that you are not an active member as determined by a member of the moderator team, your sale will be terminated without notice.

If you choose to repost after having a sale deleted, don't be entirely surprised when further measures are imposed on your account.
BST Posts

After you have completed a transaction within BST can you please edit your thread title to show that it is complete.The mods can then close it off ready for archive.

Please mark the title with **Complete**

Just to save confusion, only do this after the trade is complete.

Re: BST Posts

Please remember to edit the title to ***Complete*** so we can identify the finished trades.
Sellers: Do not ask for funds to be sent as a paypal gift, calculate the fees and add it to the cost if you need to. Failure to comply with this request will be dealt with swiftly.

Buyers: Do not agree to send paypal gifts, alert a mod if you are asked to do so. If you use the gift system there is no comeback for you if things go wrong.

Everyone should read and be aware of the disclaimer and rules relating the the BST forum. They live as a sticky post at the top of the forum, if you need any clarification please speak to a Mod.

Prices must be added if you intending to sell an item.
BST posts

For the time being, all new threads on BST will have to be authorised by a moderator.
RE: BST posts

Please post as normal and your thread will be approved as soon as a mod looks through it.Thanks
RE: BST Posts

As a reminder for everyone, as Boab has already asked, when your Sale / Trade / Want To Buy is Complete, can you update the Subject line of your Post to show Complete:

FS: Gillette Razor *** COMPLETE ***

Just makes it a bit easier to distinguish what is still a live Post and what can be Archived without having to read through a Post to check.

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