Royal mail to stop shipping blades from april

Quick! Ban fire extinguishers and pillows! Tough on crime, tough on the causes of crime! That way we can stop paying for police... oh look now there's a crime wave but it's OK chums, we politicians can afford private security and anyway the handful of police left will defend us against the unhappy masses of hoi polloi.

Instead of banning legitimate items with daily use, they could try supporting youth projects to prevent people from falling prey to gangs, or dealing with people that misuse everyday items. Almost all stabbings involve cheap kitchen knives which are readily available and no loss to dispose of. Nobody attacks people with razor blades or fancy collectible knives etc. Although in Slough they do like a machete. And there are no police to intervene so people walk about unchallenged with 2 foot jungle knives ffs.
Quick! Ban fire extinguishers and pillows! Tough on crime, tough on the causes of crime! That way we can stop paying for police... oh look now there's a crime wave but it's OK chums, we politicians can afford private security and anyway the handful of police left will defend us against the unhappy masses of hoi polloi.

Instead of banning legitimate items with daily use, they could try supporting youth projects to prevent people from falling prey to gangs, or dealing with people that misuse everyday items. Almost all stabbings involve cheap kitchen knives which are readily available and no loss to dispose of. Nobody attacks people with razor blades or fancy collectible knives etc. Although in Slough they do like a machete. And there are no police to intervene so people walk about unchallenged with 2 foot jungle knives ffs.
It's all about control, gotta keep the sheep so they can be sheared naked for profit in the political pocket.
Ain't that the truth? Decades ago they did it secretly, now they don't even put much effort into disguising how they're having us over. They know they can just do what they like. If voting worked, we wouldn't be allowed to do it. Democracy my left (or right) foot!
I just tried to order a cutlery set, only to find it's only available with click and collect. I couldn't stab someone with a normal dinner knife. The fork would do far more damage...
I have a laguiole pocket knife arriving tomorrow and came via ups with no issues, I imagine the razor blade company etc will just switch carriers as suggested previously by others.
Cutlery always makes me giggle ... surely antique silver fish knives are only of danger to vampires?

Bottom line is, bladed items (including cutlery) can be sent via Royal Mail ... along with a whole heap of stuff defined in the Offensive Weapons Act, so long as the sender and the receiver are named and verified as adults:

Restricted Bladed Items
Prohibited Bladed Items cannot be sent. However, other Knives or Blades as defined by s141A Criminal Justice Act 1988 or ‘Bladed Products’ as defined by s41 of the Offensive Weapons Act 2019 can be sent, provided certain conditions are met. These include but are not limited to any knife or knife blade, including cutlery knives, bread knives, knives that can be used for hobbies and trades (for instance, utility knives and snap-off cutters, gardening, camping, lock knives, bushcraft and farming tools with a blade or any other trade tool that could commonly be described as a knife), butcher knives (including meat cleavers), felling axes and razor blades.

These items may only be sent using the Royal Mail Tracked Age Verification service; this service is only available through Royal Mail Click & Drop
  • Items must be packaged appropriately so items present no risk to employees, other postal items or recipients.
  • Wrap heavy cardboard around sharp edges and points, strong enough to ensure that the contents do not pierce the outer packaging.
  • Wrap each item with cushioning material and place in a suitable outer container such as a padded envelope.
  • The sender's name and return address must be clearly visible on the outer packaging.
  • The outer packaging must be clearly marked to indicate a bladed item is enclosed and that it must not be handed to someone aged under 18.
I have a laguiole pocket knife arriving tomorrow and came via ups with no issues, I imagine the razor blade company etc will just switch carriers as suggested previously by others.

Good luck! Sure it'll be fine as the letter of the law and the practice is wildly different when it comes to the open market.

DHL, DPD and Evri all prohibit knives:

... but (for our general purposes here) none state razor blades outright although it might fall into the Bladed Items "but not limited to" section.

So, it's rather looking like Royal Mail is pretty much the only willing courier now. I'm sure we'll all say we have absolutely legal reasons to own our offensive weapons and take personal responsibility for their use. On that, I see Royal Mail's approach of verification as perfectly sound as that places the responsibility of sending and receiving into the hands of adults.
There is Amazon who so far require photo ID on delivery of DE blades to prove the recipient is aged over 18. But apparently not for injector blades or at least there is no warning of it on the Schick 314641 injector blades 4 pack of 7 listing.

If there is to be a war on DE it looks like the future could be injector or the dreaded cartridge!
DHL, DPD and Evri all prohibit knives:

So, it's rather looking like Royal Mail is pretty much the only willing courier now.

Nearly all my knives come by DPD. 7 this month so far and 2 more on the way. No issue.

Don't even asked for a signature, despite being aware that they are knives and age restricted and saying on the app that proof of age will be required for the delivery.
Yep! When it comes down to it ... nobody bothers.
UPS definitely requires a signature, they have sent about 4 emails telling me to make sure someone age appropriate is in to sign for it or no delivery.
I will let you know tomorrow if the delivery man bothers or just signs any old rubbish himself because he will be in a hurry, I have had that done before and the parcel just left on the doorstep without even ringing the bell first.
Well he rocked up 5 hours early and gave it to the wife, she said he didn't ask for a signature. So much for make sure someone age appropriate is home because no signature, no delivery.
On a side note I love the knife, the blade is lovely and sharp and sits well in the pocket, I look forward to putting it to good use cutting and opening anything without having to go on a treasure hunt on where has she hidden the scissors.
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