Room 101

I'ld definitely put all those 5 second ads on Youtube videos into Room 101! In my pursuit of the Jodi Arias trial alone, they have cost me untold valuable minutes of my life.....during which I could have been gainfully watching other Youtube videos.:icon_rolleyes:
I'd like to put tablet (predominantly iPad) owners using them as a camera by holding them above their heads and thus blotting out everyone else's view from behind them (whether they're trying to use a camera or not).

I hear it also goes on at popular beat combo "gigs" too now. Recording it on your phone is shite enough, but sticking up a tea tray sized object is absurd.
hunnymonster said:
I'd like to put tablet (predominantly iPad) owners using them as a camera by holding them above their heads and thus blotting out everyone else's view from behind them (whether they're trying to use a camera or not).

I hear it also goes on at popular beat combo "gigs" too now. Recording it on your phone is shite enough, but sticking up a tea tray sized object is absurd.

+1 on both .... Why pay to go to a gig and then spend the whole time videoing it? Also those "kind" souls who, when they come across and accident or someone being attacked, whip out their phone to video it (and no doubt upload to YouTube) rather than helping! Idiots!!!

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