Restoring vintage DE and SE blades

I've tried to bring vintage Durham Duplex blades up to spec giving them a soak overnight in cola (I guess Cilit Bang would do, but I had cola :D ) a wire wool scrub (carefully!!!) and then a hone/strop. Minimal success, but they looked nice enough for the purposes of display in old cases. I guess old SE blades could be done with a similar process, but regular DE blades would be a no-no for shaving and I think the wire wool scrub would remove any pattern on the blade anyway.
More for getting rid of the general detris and crud from them. I forgot about coke as a cheap option.

Once a single edge is blunt it's a no go at getting it back again?

Should point out its not me being cheap and a miser but not sure the blades are even made for this razor or alternatives available.
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