Active Reggie's Razors Jupiter Passaround

Final thoughts from p.b.:

I don’t like brass razors (or rather, I don’t like the smell of brass razors and more of that later); I don’t like razors heavier than 100g; I really don’t like 100mm handles and I had found the earlier Reggie’s Titan razor uncomfortable: harsh and it cut me which I didn’t expect as I like the R41 and the Progress on higher settings.

So not a great start.

However, this is a very easy to use, comfortable and beautifully made razor. The handle is a dog: it’s too long and heavy (for me) and ugly, but the head is pretty spot for a mild (for me) razor on at about 6/10 for aggression / efficiency so I need 3 to 4 passes. With other handles I noticed the brass smell isn’t there so I wonder if the smell comes from hand oils on the handle rather than the head itself?

I wish Reggie’s would invest more design in the handles (like Blackland) to make the razors more distinctive and ideally I like something halfway between the Jupiter and the Titan.

Thanks to Boyice and Reggie’s for allowing this pass-around – I’m a fan of this razor: I can get a close shave without any discomfort.
1. Boycie83 (TSR/ATG) *Complete*
2. slapo (ATG/TSR) *Complete*
3. bagman (ATG) *Complete*
4. ATG (TSR) *Complete*
5. semajohn (ATG) *Complete*
6. p.b (ATG) *Complete*
7. ajc347 (TSR/ATG) *With*
8. wooky114 (ATG/TSR)
9. OrangeSport (TSR)
10. Gairdner (TSR)
The razor is currently with me guys and I’ve only been able to use it once so far due to my working 13 hour days.

The razor felt as good as I remember the stainless steel version to be and easily mowed down 3 days worth of stubble.

My only dislike so far is the handle knurling. It’s comfortable enough but doesn’t extend down the handle enough for me. This is purely personal preference based upon both the way I choose to hold the razor based upon where I gauge centre of balance to be.

Based upon my very limited experience with it, I must admit to being impressed with this razor, maybe more so than the stainless version.
I’ve had a few more shaves with this razor and have continued to enjoy using it.

The handle knurling still bugs me but that can be easily sorted by using another handle.

I’ve noticed that the razor seems to work well with most blades apart from Nacet’s. These have never been that great a blade for me and I was initially surprised by the smooth first shave I had with one recently. The second shave, though, was as rough as old boots!!! This is definitely more of a blade than a razor issue for me.

All-in-all I am very impressed with this razor. It’s much nicer than I thought it would be and I think I prefer it to the stainless steel version. It’s great value given its modest price tag.

The razor is now ready to make its journey onto the next person. Many thanks to @Boycie83 and @Reggies Razors for such an awesome pass-around.
1. Boycie83 (TSR/ATG) *Complete*
2. slapo (ATG/TSR) *Complete*
3. bagman (ATG) *Complete*
4. ATG (TSR) *Complete*
5. semajohn (ATG) *Complete*
6. p.b (ATG) *Complete*
7. ajc347 (TSR/ATG) *Complete*
8. wooky114 (ATG/TSR) *With*
9. OrangeSport (TSR)
10. Gairdner (TSR)
So, we're three shaves in, which have been face, head, and face. The razor is very well machine and put together. The first two shaves were with an Astra Blue and the latest with a Bic Chrome Platinum. The razors easy to use, shaves comfortably, the shaving angle is easy to find and maintain and, it's a very good head shaver; my normal head shavers are an Alpha Shaving outlaw or ATT R1 and the Jupiter easily held its own against both of them. I don't mind the handle, the extra length helps on the head shaves, but I think they could do better with it, design wise, as it's a weighty piece of brass. I'll try it on a Bulldog handle for the next shave, and I'll get it sent on to the next recipient at the end of the week.
Another head and face shave done, with an Astra Blue Stainless being used for both shaves. I used the razor in the stock configuration for the head shave and again, there were no issues, the shave being comfortable and efficient.

For the face shave I changed out the handle, trying both a 90mm DS Cosmestics V92 brass handle for the first pass and switching to a stainless 80mm Ikon Bulldog handle for the remainder of the shave. Both the shorter handles improved the razor IMHO, well the way if felt in the hand; I think if a 85mm handle option was available it would be better for it.

Would I buy one? Well, if I did, the first thing I'd do is find someone with a lathe to reduce the handle length to 85mm. I've no issue with the grip machined into the stock handle, it's just the length it comes supplied at that's an issue for me. The razor is very well machined and put together, the presentation out of the box is spot on and it shaves really well. Many thanks to @Boycie83 and @Reggie’s Razors for the pass around, time to get it cleaned and off to the next recipient @OrangeSport.
1. Boycie83 (TSR/ATG) *Complete*
2. slapo (ATG/TSR) *Complete*
3. bagman (ATG) *Complete*
4. ATG (TSR) *Complete*
5. semajohn (ATG) *Complete*
6. p.b (ATG) *Complete*
7. ajc347 (TSR/ATG) *Complete*
8. wooky114 (ATG/TSR) *Complete*
9. OrangeSport (TSR) *On The Way*
10. Gairdner (TSR)
Razor is here with me. First impressions:

Packaging is great. Only a little thing, but ibloke good packaging.

It's built up a patina. If it was mine I would keep it shiny. But it isn't, so I won't.

Its nice and hefty.

Fit and finish are great, but I would prefer a lower thread on the top cap. Especially as I would fit a washer.




Right, I'm off for a shave. I'll report back.......
Razor is here with me. First impressions:

Packaging is great. Only a little thing, but ibloke good packaging.

It's built up a patina. If it was mine I would keep it shiny. But it isn't, so I won't.

Its nice and hefty.

Fit and finish are great, but I would prefer a lower thread on the top cap. Especially as I would fit a washer.

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Right, I'm off for a shave. I'll report back.......
That Patina would drive me mad and I would have to break out the Brasso.

OK, 3rd shave with the Jupiter and I think I'm able to let @Reggie’s Razors have some feedback and share my thoughts.

The razor is beautifully presented, finished and packaged. It's nice and hefty. The fit is great. It feels like a real high quality item. All I would change is the thread length. A longer thread would be more confidence inspiring, especially with a washer.

It shaves very nicely. More effectively that I expected. There's some blade feel but not loads. For me the balance and handle length is fine. The head washes out easily.

It is a real alternative to a Rocca or a 3ONE6. I see that as a compliment by the way. That makes it a great daily shaver and a life-long item.

Would I buy one to add to the collection? Yes. I probably will. But, there is a but....

I would buy one at the current discounted price, which again is in the range of the razors mentioned above.

The higher, full price brings it in the area of a 6S with all its adjustability, the Christopher Bradley Daily Shaver Kit with its customisation options or an R41 GS with its character and reputation (along with many others). Once I get into three figure prices I think I want more than "just" a great razor.

The Jupiter would make a lovely gift for someone though. It does have a real air of quality.

@Gairdner I think you're next. I'll use this for the rest of the week, so if you send me your address I'll try and send it off to you over the weekend.

Thanks to @Boycie83 for managing this and @Reggie’s Razors
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