Recommendations for hair products.

I'm hoping this is the right section to post this.
I've only recently discovered that washing your hair every day is not good for it. Also I've stopped putting any products in my hair. I usually use clay but I'm on the search for something more natural, as in the look and the ingredients, any suggestions?
My hair is shortish, straight and 'salt and pepper'.
I'm also looking for a shampoo & conditioner, any recommendations will be very welcome.
I like to use Badedas shower gel to wash my hair. Doesn't irritate my scalp or leave my hair overly dry. Murdock matt mudd for styling. Not into the wet look or products that are difficult to wash out. I doubt either has an overly organic ingredients list. But both work well for me. The fragrance of both is also very very nice.
First step is to eliminate any wash that contains SLS/SLES. It'll dry out your scalp = no good.

Second, you could try a no-poo period - meaning no shampoo at all, only rub'n'wash with hot water. I've had great success with it, and no it's not gross :) If you use oil-based products for setting your hair it won't work though...

Third, I ended up using Dove Pure & Sensitive cream bar for the whole body, hair included. Works just great, smells of nothing (thank God) and is dirt cheap in the long run - a bar lasts a long time. Also, you can easily take your whole body/face/hair soap in carry-on because no liquids there :)

I know, it sounds boring. It's cheap, doesn't smell, usually found in the Women-isle and doesn't look fancy in the shower.. but for me it works.
First step is to eliminate any wash that contains SLS/SLES. It'll dry out your scalp = no good.

Second, you could try a no-poo period - meaning no shampoo at all, only rub'n'wash with hot water. I've had great success with it, and no it's not gross :) If you use oil-based products for setting your hair it won't work though...

Third, I ended up using Dove Pure & Sensitive cream bar for the whole body, hair included. Works just great, smells of nothing (thank God) and is dirt cheap in the long run - a bar lasts a long time. Also, you can easily take your whole body/face/hair soap in carry-on because no liquids there :)

I know, it sounds boring. It's cheap, doesn't smell, usually found in the Women-isle and doesn't look fancy in the shower.. but for me it works.
If your no poo period works for you its all good, I'm regular as clock work!
I'm hoping this is the right section to post this.
I've only recently discovered that washing your hair every day is not good for it. Also I've stopped putting any products in my hair. I usually use clay but I'm on the search for something more natural, as in the look and the ingredients, any suggestions?
My hair is shortish, straight and 'salt and pepper'.
I'm also looking for a shampoo & conditioner, any recommendations will be very welcome.
Hope you are sorted now, just realised was responding to an old post.
Apologies for the delay in getting back to this thread.

Since posting this thread things have moved on a little. For the last 6-8 weeks I've been using Argan oil, just a couple of drops a day. I've also stopped washing my hair every day and now wash it once a week. I use a Toni and Guy Shampoo and conditioner which doesn't contain an SLES (more luck than judgement THB).
I've also stopped using wax and tried a couple of water based products. Label M ‘Deconstructor' and VO5 ‘Lifting' paste. Both are OK but still searching for ‘the one'.

I've never heard of ‘Jason' hair products. I'll have a look into their products, thank you.

My hair is looking and feeling a lot better though….(walks away and flicks hair) ''because I'm worth it''.:cool:
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