Recommendation for a 'small' smartphone...

Gentlemen, I owe you all an apology. Today I visited Vodafone, 02, EE, Carphone Warehouse, CEX and 2 independent stores. What I'm looking for doesn't exist! Peoples opinion in what is a small phone, is simply different to mine. I find the whole issue just baffling.

I'm a child of the 60s, where every month there was a new launch of something smaller, and miniaturised. I remember my 1st handheld wireless, it ran of a small PP3 battery, which lasted a full decade! Then I progressed to a Sinclair Cambridge Micromatic radio, the size of a matchbox - great era!

Now, my current phone is a little jewel, really fabulous quality, can hardly notice it in my pocket, makes calls, texts, etc, and I discovered today, also gets the internet! (Yes, it may be slow, but more than met my needs of catching up on BBC news, and checking an item on Ebay!)

My lovely, 5 year old Nokia 6600i slide at just 93 x 45 x 14 mm...


All current 'smartphones' are really mini laptops. With screen sizes increasing all the time - have you seen the size of the new iPhone 6 Plus?? It's weird that progress now means bigger, not smaller.

Even just a few years ago, you could get a smartphone that measured just a svelte 98.4mm x 55mm x 11.6mm and weighed 106g, it even was a slider design so that folk with larger fingers could type...

Samsung Tocco Ultra S8300...


I'm not on facebook, twiitter, snapchat, kikchat, of crapchat! I guess my time on this earth is drawing in, and technology is zooming ahead, thinking that we all want phones the size of a 1980's filofax!

Agan, sorry gents for wasting your time...
Smudge said:
I bought an unlocked Moto G about 6 months ago and I love it. Cost about £140 and has given me no trouble at all. Read some of the reviews on it and you may be tempted.

LOL I fear my friend, you have not bothered one bit to actually read this thread! At 129.9 x 65.9 x 11.6 mm, that 'phone' is bloomin' huge :icon_razz:
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