Recipe for home made minty menthol aftershave

I'm tempted to give something like this a try.

I use Proraso Menthol Post cream at the moment, but wouldnt mind adding menthol to my witch hazel for the face freezing i'm used too, then leave the post cream out of the routine.

Maybe with a drop of some essential oils(aloe vera, tea tree, eucalyptus, lemongrass) to 100ml of witch hazel.
flip-68 said:
antdad recommended a mix of witch hazel and alcolado glacier (3:1) which works very well for me. i think he also added some EO's but didn't say what his final recipe was.

Yeah that works well but I didn't get as far as a final recipe tbh, totally forgot. You need spearmint/peppermint EO for menthol.

Where is that post btw?
- 100ml Witch Hazel
- 2 drops Eucalyptus EO
- 2 drops Lemongrass EO
- 2 drops Tea Tree EO
- 6 drops Peppermint EO

Is cooling and refreshing, i might add a couple more drops of peppermint and a couple of drops of Aloe Vera (when it turns up).

I'll try this post shave tomorrow, but i think i can remove the Proraso post cream from my routine now my witch hazel is cooling.
Gravy Splash

100ml Witch Hazel
2 drops Eucalyptus
2 Drops Lemongrass
4 drops Aloe Vera
6 drops Tea Tree
10 drops Peppermint

Citrus and Cooling, works great post shave or any other time i want to be refreshed. I've got about half a 300ml tub of Proraso Pre/Post left that wont be replaced when its finished as it's no longer needed.

It's in an old aftershave splash bottle, needs a shake before use.
here it is!

Interesting set of ingredients ...

Intrigued myself, I did a lot of reading around making up a pre-shave oil and a post-shave tonic, and once I'd settled on the essential oils, carrier oils and floral waters that I wanted to use, priced it all up ... I decided not to bother.

Almost immediately, the idea struck me that I already had all the ingredients in the kitchen! Certainly, all the ingredients can be procured from the supermarket.

PSO - 60ml Olive Oil, 10ml Avocado Oil, 5ml Coconut oil, 5ml glycerine and top up (about 5ml) with citrus juices - lemon, lime and grapefruit.

PST - 200ml bottle of Witch Hazel, use until you're missing about three caps full, top back up with two capfuls of gin, dribble of glycerine and 10 drop of Olbas Oil, a blend of eucalyptus, peppermint, cajeput wintergreen juniper and clove oils.

The PST, I love! It's so cooling and the added ingredients take that slight odour off the Witch Hazel. I have sensitive skin and have had no issues from either (so far). Olbas Oil can be used directly onto skin, in fact is recommended as such for topical soothing. The PSO is just oils, all of which are great for all kinds of skin, the juices there just to wash the skin.
... I am playing with a secondary tonic, simply Witch Hazel, patchouli oil, lemon oil and grapefruit oil. I guess it could be made in the kitchen with just the Witch Hazel and some lemon and grapefruit juice. I should get some bergamot oil.