Recipe for home made minty menthol aftershave

I was looking for a menthol blast to my post shave routine and I came across this recipe. I've never made my own aftershave, but the idea appeals to me - especially as I can tweak the formula.

Does anyone "brew their own" post shave concoctions? Any tips? Any other recipes?

Here is the recipe.

Minty Menthol Aftershave
Combine 3/4 teaspoon glycerine, pinch borax, tiny pinch menthol crystals, 3/4 witch hazel, 10 drops peppermint essential oil, 10 drops sandalwood essential oil, 2 drops lavender oil, 2 drops rosemary oil in a container with a spray nozzle and shake well until all borax and menthol crystals are dissolved. Spritz on to skin after shaving.
Seems a but excessive on essential oils for so little liquid, and not sure of the need for borax. How does it feel? I make my own a/s balm using aloe gel, witch hazel, glycerine and essential oil, and in a batch of around a 100 ml's only need to use 1 or 2 drops of eo.
I have made three or four post shaves balms and a few pre shave oils. I wanted to make a mentholated product, I used tea tree and eucalyptus EO as opposed to the menthol crystals as the crystals are not recommended for use on the skin; or at least the types I've researched.
mayhem72 said:
Seems a but excessive on essential oils for so little liquid, and not sure of the need for borax. How does it feel? I make my own a/s balm using aloe gel, witch hazel, glycerine and essential oil, and in a batch of around a 100 ml's only need to use 1 or 2 drops of eo.

I could be wrong but IMO the amount of EO is very large, this could lead to skin irritation for those with sensitive skin. Secondly I would like to know how it feels on the skin as the menthol (although crystals in dilution are not recommended for the skin esp after shaving) would be cooling but then the lavender and others are warming, intrigued!
That's what I was thinking Nishy, seems way too much. There's hardly any liquid going into it, sounds more Like a paste and I would of thought would irritate rather than soothe? Maybe there's some liquid missing from the list? Or quantities are wrong? The addition of Borax seems unnecessary too :huh: maybe just me....
I've not made it yet. I agree the proportions look a little odd. It's from an Indian website hence the large amount of Sandalwood I guess.

Here is the original link - there are a few other recipes on there.;wap2

I've got most of the ingredients so I might make a batch up later today.
mayhem72 said:
That's what I was thinking Nishy, seems way too much. There's hardly any liquid going into it, sounds more Like a paste and I would of thought would irritate rather than soothe? Maybe there's some liquid missing from the list? Or quantities are wrong? The addition of Borax seems unnecessary too :huh: maybe just me....

Borax is sometimes used in aftershave preps but I agree with you in that its another chemical not really needed cosmetically, however as this solution is used in a diffuser and probably being quite viscous it may enable the solution not to harden and clog up the dispenser.

I like to use a light cream such as astral (approx 50g), put it in a pestle and mortar, add 10 drops of vitamin E oil, and five drops respectively of; olive oil, tea tree, eucalyptus and lavender. They have to be added in parts to avoid cracking but properly emulsified (hence pestle and mortar).
when it says 3/4 witch hazel I think it means 3/4 cup of witch hazel, that would make sense, but still a little strong with the oils.
I believe that your right that less may be more. I tend to stay with the old proven formulas:
Fillet of a fenny snake,
In the cauldron boil and bake;
Eye of newt, and toe of frog,
Wool of bat, and tongue of dog,
Adder's fork, and blind-worm's sting,
Lizard's leg, and howlet's wing,
For a shave of powerful trouble,
Like a hell-broth boil and bubble.

Let cool before you bottle and use.
Johnus said:
I believe that your right that less may be more. I tend to stay with the old proven formulas:
Fillet of a fenny snake,
In the cauldron boil and bake;
Eye of newt, and toe of frog,
Wool of bat, and tongue of dog,
Adder's fork, and blind-worm's sting,
Lizard's leg, and howlet's wing,
For a shave of powerful trouble,
Like a hell-broth boil and bubble.

Let cool before you bottle and use.

Don't forget the borax!
Rosemary Essential Oil WILL irritate your skin, i used to make a rosemary Bath Soap using it and even a tiny amount causes irritation so i had to stop (remember the big Coates Shaving Cream disaster) that has Rosemary Oil in it and i said at the start that's what is causing the burning / Tingling sensation people felt.

These oils (although natural extracts etc) are very strong, i use a blend of 6 different Essential Oils in my Bay Rum, and you have to be very careful to use the correct amounts of each oil.

antdad recommended a mix of witch hazel and alcolado glacier (3:1) which works very well for me. i think he also added some EO's but didn't say what his final recipe was.
Here is the recipe of what I've just made - not very menthol in the end.

Approx 75ml witch hazel
4 small menthol crystals ground in pestle & mortar
2 drops sandalwood EO
4 drops eucalyptus oil
Splodge of vitamin e oil
Splodge of almond oil
2 splodges of Aloe Vera Gel
2 splodges of glycerin

All mixed together and then put in a spritzer.

I like the smell - sandalwood is one of my favourites.

There isn't really much of a menthol hit - perhaps I was too careful.

It leaves a very nice and smooth feeling on the skin which is evident immediately.

I have no idea of the proportions are correct and the smell is more pleasant than pure witch hazel but not on a par with a commercial aftershave.
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