RE: secret santa pop it in the post

RE: secret santa Important new update

daz said:
dodgy said:
Hah, not very likely. That outfit would give the old Friday night Bingo ladies I know the feckin dreh boak, so it would. Did that sound Scotch?


Aye Marvin, that sounded pure Scotch. So here we hae oorsell a wee mash-up oh dialects,

An them that can read the words winnae be wastin there time on this pile o piss, maer important things tae dae, like shaggin sheep an the like, ken fit I mean loon?

Ok thanks, I get it. Sorta like me using both Hillbilly and Bostonese in the same sentence. I suppose there's a 'good natured rivalry' between the two regions, with one probably considering the other a bunch of jerks in some way.
RE: secret santa Important new update

Charliej said:
I still haven't received contact details for my selected person.

Nor have I got any mailing info for mine.

soapalchemist said:
That came out all wrong...wrapping my SS pressie now.

I was wondering what that was all about. Good thing it was so late so no one saw it.
RE: secret santa Important new update

Just to let you know, Santa Claus dropped off a parcel marked TSR in Kinross today, or more correctly he got one of his postie elves to do it! I truly believe in Father Christmas now and am wondering how I can persuade SWMBO to put the tree up so it can be placed!
Am I first?
RE: secret santa Important new update

daz said:
dodgy said:
Just for you Marvin, one of my favourite poems

The Wild Geese, by Violet Jacob

Thanks daz. I definitely like it more than many of your favorite sammiches. Man.......that fried one with marmite? There were a couple more too.

The woman sounds like a hard core version of Robert Burns. Wait now........Violet isn't a Scotch man's name is it? I knew a guy named Clare and one named Ashly.
RE: secret santa Important new update

Glad you enjoyed it Martin, and you really should try some of those sandwich suggestions, you'll be pleasantly surprised, I promise!

And no, Violet is not a Scotch name for a man, neither is it a Scots name for a man. Blatantly stolen from wikipeadia:
In Scotland the modern usage in Scotland is Scottish or Scots, and the word "Scotch" is only applied to specific products, mostly food or drink, such as Scotch whisky, Scotch pie, Scotch broth, and Scotch eggs. "Scotch" applied to people is widely considered pejorative, reflecting old Anglo-Scottish antagonisms

One of my (ex) friends is called Chloe, his former name was Richard Patel. I always had my doubts about him as we were growing up and my suspicions were confirmed when I met him one night while out on the town with who is now my wife. Yes it was a shock to say the least, but each to their own I say. I say ex friend not because I disliked him for his "inclinations" but because he moved back to his families homeland in India. I never found out how his family took to his new identity, I have my suspicions as to how well he was received though.

Anyway, enough of this! Back to secret santa I say!
RE: secret santa Important new update

daz said:
"Scotch" applied to people is widely considered pejorative, reflecting old Anglo-Scottish antagonisms[/i]

Thank you daz,

That explains my choice of words perfectly. It's why I use that term instead of Scottish or Scots or the like.. I also enjoy including the Limeys in the fun.
RE: secret santa Important new update

Northam Saint said:
Secret Santa shopping set me off on a small shopping spree !! I've been so good lately and fell off the wagon buying a few goodies for myself.

I almost kept the gift I bought for myself!!!
secret santa Important new update

Ken T M said:
Northam Saint said:
Secret Santa shopping set me off on a small shopping spree !! I've been so good lately and fell off the wagon buying a few goodies for myself.

I almost kept the gift I bought for myself!!!

When I was thinking about what I was getting from Santa I did look and think would I like to receive it ? That would be a YES again this year.
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