Razors for Feather SE blades

I can't find a YouTube vid of this - can anyone else?

Yes, please, Johnny. Deal.
Tall_Paul said:
Do you just push a new blade back into the spine or do you have to anything else to make it secure?

I just push them on securely and evenly, once it fits in the razor i have not seen any movement problems, you can use needle nose pliers to try to flatten the spine to the blade...after test fitting.
One step backwards, one step forwards! Having sold some Gem Micromatics, I bought an Ever-Ready Peerless. And what is an Ever-Ready Peerless if it isn't a Micromatic by another name?

Ah well! I now have some Gem Blue Star blades so maybe - hopefully - they will make the Ever-Ready tolerable to good shaving. Same goes for a Micromatic bullet-point/nose that also arrived this morning - and gold has surreptitiously arrived in my collection.

An interesting shave tomorrow what with these two and a Gillette WS Saloon blade to test.

Bring on the Valet Auto-Strop and Feather SE blades!

Did we ever sort out how to convert SE blades spineless to spined?
Bechet45 said:
Ah well! I now have some Gem Blue Star blades so maybe - hopefully - they will make the Ever-Ready tolerable to good shaving.

Blue Star is nice, almost equal to Treet.

Try palm stropping the Gems. They may have little burs that cause a ruff experience. It might work.
I use them in my Gem Pushbutton and put a spine on one and used it in my 1912.

I don't understand this putting a "Spine" on the blade. I've tried taking the spine off a blade but not putting one back on.