Razor got all sticky... what is the best way to clean it?

So, I was travelling and I don't know what exactly has happened, but it appears that the sticky glue that holds the label onto my bottle of shaving oil has melted, run or whatever and coated everything is a very, very sticky residue. Luckily my brush was in a case so it is fine, but my Gilette Tech is caked in it. I have tried standard hot water and attempting to rub it away, but it won't budge.

What else can I use to try and get rid of the residue? Would an alcohol work? I have white spirit and 90% isopropyl knocking about, but i'm worried it would damage the metal or something (chemistry was never my strong point). Any advice?
Re: Razor got all sticky... what is the best way to clean it

Your Isopropyl should be ok to budge the gunk. The stuff evaporates before it has chance to do any damage to just about anything really. I use it on lots of different surfaces to shift finger marks, gunk and crap, even use it regularly on my camera sensors and mirrors (and before anyone preaches) I've used it for years with no ill effects to my gear and shall continue too (sooo there :p ).

Re: Razor got all sticky... what is the best way to clean it

Sweet, isopropyl worked a treat. Whilst i'm here... another question, why do razor blades themselves have the number 1&2 written on one side and 3&4 written on the other?
Re: Razor got all sticky... what is the best way to clean it

alex98uk said:
Sweet, isopropyl worked a treat. Whilst i'm here... another question, why do razor blades themselves have the number 1&2 written on one side and 3&4 written on the other?

For manufacturing reasons
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