Razor from 1986

They're both just a little bit rubbish in my view (not awful but they don't have the character of some earlier models) but I guess that's what you're limited to as you're a fairly youngish man, same as me to some extent, I was only born in 72.

Can I suggest something? Ask your Dad (if he is still around of course) what razor he used to use in his prime. There is something very evocative about you yourself using (say) a 1965 tech that your Dad could have shaved with and that he remembers like yesterday. I've just given my Father in law a 60's boxed French tech and it's pure nostaligia for him. He's using it now.

Other than that, good luck finding your black handled superspeed, there are plenty about mate. PM Frenchblade and Sunburyboy to check on their inventory.
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