Razor cleaning

Guys what's the best way to keep my razor clean?
My lovely shiny HD is already coated in soap scum after only 4 days :(
Do you have a favourite cleaning routine? Preferably a quickish one ;)
I have a two person Sonic Shower Installed at home, cleans me,and my Razors really nicely, and no risk of damaging the razor....
The system uses sonic vibrations passed through an acoustic inverter to dissolve and remove dirt, it is quite a relaxing experience

The showers are quite expensive, you won't often find them on Amazon or E-Bay, i got mine as a refurb unit when the Cantina at "Mos Eisley" was upgraded

I find that Cillit Bang bathroom spray dissolves soap scum. Never tried it on a DE as I've only had my first one for a couple of days, but it used to work a treat on the original Gillette Sensor.

Clean the razor when you change blades.... old blade out, spray the parts with Clit Bang, agitate with an old toothbrush, rinse in water, dry with a towel. Hey presto, shiny razor.

If you find it's built up a lot and there's a thick layer of scum (especially in hard to reach areas) you can leave the Clit Bang to soak in for a bit, and then repeat the process ten minutes later.
Bit of hand soap and a rinse normally does the trick. Any hard to reach bits I use my elec toothbrush with a old head. They come up like new!
There is no substitute for a bit of elbow grease, however having "cleaned" razors by hand I am still a bit taken aback how much crud comes off of what I thought was a clean razor. This matters more to me with razors I have just bought, with the ones that have already been through the Ultrasonic and Barbicide cleansing ritual I just give em a good scrub now and again with a mild cleaner to get rid of the soap scum. This is followed by a polish, sometime using MAAS which is expensive but is THE most effective grime remover I have used; however most times just a rub with a micro fibre cloth (available from Tescos and Halfords for not much money) is enough to shine them up.
That's a good idea FT. It will be better the using abrasive polishes and brushes that could potentially marr the finish.

The fine swirly marks do my head in! Thankfully I have these fantastic polishes for cars that remove all of them :)
moodymick said:
earlier today i threw a couple of dirty razors in the washing up bowl with hot water, fairy liquid and a cloth - no drama's :|

    • ... unless you forgot to take the blades out - ouch![/list:u][/list:u]

      After I finish the shaving and I'm doing the putting away of the toys, the blade & razor heads get cleaned with running water & the razor head gets wiped dry with a microfibre. Then they soak for ten minutes or so in Barbicide (as apparently most irritation is caused by the bacterial growth on the stubble, flesh and/or blood detritus stuck to the blades, not the blades themselves). After that, they're rinsed and dried then put back together, ready for the next day's shave.
        • Every few months I plan to put them into the ultrasonic cleaner and get them spiffed up.
              • ... though I might just bribe sunburyboy's house-girl to smuggle them into his shower with his own vast collection and ship 'em back to me when they're all cleaned up.
                • ;) [/list:u][/list:u][/list:u][/list:u][/list:u][/list:u]
These are the two that I wanted to clean


After giving it a little thought I thought I would try the method I use for cleaning my brewing equipment, so after a soak in a proprietary oxygen based laundry stain remover and a wipe with kitchen towel they came up nice and clean :D


Sorry for the poor quality photos
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