Rate The Last Film You Watched

Hitman agent 47
Watchable but I prefer the previous one with Timothy Oliphant and Olga Kurilenko, furthermore the camera was set like in the videogame in this one (3rd person view)

Men from Uncle
Not exceptional but pretty good and refreshing

Transporter refueled
I prefer the ones with Jason Statham. Girls are very passable though...

I prefer the other movies of Olga Kurilenko. Not a bad movie, but not a good either...

Very very good funny and entertaining, for a change superheroes don't destroy cities and whole planets... A nice superheroes movie turned into a heist movie with a lot of team building themes. Excellent casting!

Crimson Peak

very nice visually, but it failed at catching my attention.
A stellar movie from start to end. Highly recommended.
It doesn't really "need" the big movie screen though so this would be a most excellent Netflix/home movie.

A solid 8.5/10

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I thought the new Star Wars was OK, good but not mind blowingly so. Young lad totally loved it. Maybe I'm just too old now to get overly excited about these things - loved the original three movies.

They've gone back to the old formula

- less CGI
- less of the dumb try hard comedy e.g. Ja Ja Binks
- characters with a bit of character (e.g. Han Solo vs. Teen Anakin Plank fella from Episode III )
- Millenium Falcon, Tie Fighters and X-Wings are back... no boring chrome crap as per Episodes I-III
- Some of the fighter battles were epic

Watched it in 3D which was a waste... really was expecting more. Contrast and colour were very poor. Will watch it again when it comes out on Blu-Ray.

But the story was really a bit thin when you consider what has already passed. Tried and trusted formula maybe.
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With cold, wet and windy evenings the norm, now't much for me and the young lad to be getting up to. He's seen all the films of his generation, so we're now dipping back to stuff from mine that he hasn't seen.

Teen Wolf last Saturday night (loved this myself as a young lad), The Lost Boys lined up for this weekend. He also watched 'A Beautiful Mind' which he really enjoyed two weeks back.

Decided myself to watch 'Blade Runner' again sometime soon over the Christmas hols... don't think I ever managed to watch that film in one go.
The Extraction - absolutely dire. Shit acting, disjointed plot and aimless script. Big avoid. I never even got to the end.

Creed - not bad at all. It's hard to do much with boxing movies these days but Southpaw from earlier in the year I thought ws pretty good. Creed has it's moments and Stallone's performance as the ageing, cancer stricken Balboa was excellent. A little thin on plot in places and the fight scenes didn't match up to Southpaw neither did the main protagonist's acting compare to Jake Gyllenhall's. Still, all good fun and eminently watchable.

Sicario - often brutal and totally devoid of any sugar coating. It failed to really engage me despite almost getting there a few times. Emily Blunt, whom I normally admire and not just for her feminine wiles felt out of place but Benicio del Toro was pretty terrifying. Ending was crap and ultimately, my reaction to the whole film was 'meh'.

Got The Revenant downloaded so will watch that at some point soon. Quite fancy The Martian but will have to wait and see.

I liked the movie quite a bit but I do have to agree that Emily Blunt was a bit of a poor casting choice for that role.

Queuing up Tarantino's new "The Hateful Eight" for tonight and we'll see...Tarantino's movie are very much a hit or miss for me.