Putting things into perspective

Best wishes to you both.

scottymac said:
Now just remember and spoil her when she comes home.

Yes, I agree. Best way to spoil your partner? By getting yourself some really nice smelling shaving soap or aftershave. That way she will really appreciate the effort you are putting in. Well its worth a try isn't it?

Seriously, a friend at work was having a rough time, they were waiting for a biopsy result for his wife. All I could say to comfort him was, get a baby sitter, go out and have a nice time.
She will be treated well when she gets out. She is doing ok out of me now! She has had a leak of brain fluid and has got herself a chest infection but the operation has "gone well". It's not clear yet if all is gone and whether radiotherapy will be required (skeleton staff at the weekends in the NHS!). Still, not the fault of those who are there keeping an eye on her.
Hope all goes well, they are worrying times when your loved ones are not well. My SWMBO could do with some new kidneys, its a waiting game you have no control over.
Whenever someone close is seriously ill you do tend to reassess the priorities in your life, which is often a good thing.
"Look after her, lots of TLC and with a fair wind she will be right as rain in no time at all." Well that's what me dad keeps telling me so it must be true
She had a brain fluid leak which was serious but that has been sorted; a few extra days in hospital, that's all. All the tumour has gone, which is excellent and a little unexpected given the size and proximity to her optic nerve. We got some of her meds to go but there is a steroid she needs to take today that wasn't available. She was told she would have to wait till 8pm just to have the pharmacist give it to her. She negotiated that someone (her dad) would drive up to fetch it for her later (we don't have a car) and so finally got the go ahead to leave today so I came home with her about 3pm (hitching a lift with my dad).

Despite a chest infection and cold she seems a lot better than when she went in and she cancelled her appointment with rheumatology as the pains in her joints have gone already (hopefully for good)!
Seven months after diagnosis we have reason to celebrate at last! First step is a massive chinese takeaway; I will take her out to an epxensive restaurant and on a shopping trip as soon as she is well enough for all that.

Thanks again for everybody's support and a big thankyou from my wife Vicky and stepson Zayne!
Seems a bit early to start letting go completely but a definite landmark in Vicky getting home - so well done everyone involved in her care and to your family for supporting her and getting her to this place. May she recover fully and quickly.
I have known you but a short time and that in cyber space but you've shown me nothing but kindness. Congratulations and all the very, very best to you and yours.