'Popular' branded razors anyone? (pic)

Hi Chaps. Excuse my ignorance as I'm new to this. Has anyone heard of a brand of straight called Popular? I tried searching google and this place but the word popular is... well... popular:blush:, when discussing straight razors.

Here she is, any info you folks can give me on it would be great;
I guess that means no-one has any information.

Judging from the scales, shape and grind it looks a pretty bog standard razor. Unfortunately, what looks like rust is close to the edge - this could affect the honing and ability to get a decent shave.
UKRob said:
I guess that means no-one has any information.

Judging from the scales, shape and grind it looks a pretty bog standard razor. Unfortunately, what looks like rust is close to the edge - this could affect the honing and ability to get a decent shave.

Thanks for the reply Rob. From what you are saying, I guess its not worth spending the money on having it refurbed? I only paid a quid for it so its no major loss if not. I'll keep checking ebay to see what pops up.

There are plenty of better razors for reasonable sums - look for ones that are relatively clean of rust or pitting and from a known manufacturer. Avoid anything that shows excessive hone wear on the spine or a large uneven bevel at the edge.
Thats great, thanks for the info. I've been reading stickies and posts on this forum, and came to the conclusion that I would just be better buying direct from someone that restores them. I'll wait until I can afford one of those and then take the plunge. The one I got was just a throw in with some shaving mugs I bought so nothing lost. Cheers again for the help from this grateful noob, you've just saved me throwing money away on the wrong blade.
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