Podcast about Rockwell razors - and the chance to win one

If you have any interest in Rockwell razors whatsoever do yourself a favor and take a listen to the latest episode of the WetshavingNews podcast where both founders are interviewed.

I found the episode to be very interesting to listen and I learned some new things about both the process as well as the founders themselves.

I did however rather dislike halfway in when the interviewer goes on a five minute long monologue about what happened using his own words to describe how they were being taken advantage of. I wish that had simply come from the founders themselves first - there was no need to pre-narrate that - and other parts. It felt like too much focus was on the interviewer and his take on the razor..almost as if I was told what to think about the next segment before it started. Odd.

Having said that it was a very enjoyable episode that I strongly recommend everyone to listen to. To me this interview was much more valuable than all the emails and blog posts put together.

I must say it even changed my perception on the whole series of events - to being more positive. :)

I'm now looking forward to what these youngsters will come up with next....what will be revealed on March 29th...?

Would love to hear others take on the episode.

Podcast episode link
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