Photo of the day

Indeed - not many contemporary commentators appear to know this......

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Regrettably - for all concerned - the jezail has been replaced with weapons of a considerably higher muzzle velocity.


So many empires have tried and failed to control Afghanistan. I am mindful that it is entirely possible that there maybe children / grandchildren / great-grand children of the British Soldiers and Afghans shown shooting or fighting each other in the pictures from the first/second Anglo-Afghan War who ended up fighting each other in subsequent Anglo-Afghan wars.
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I would agree with you - if we take it in a modern sense - post-1979 - the Russian invasion - and subsequent - did any of their commanders ever read any history books? I think not. Their political masters certainly did not. Highly mechanised in the case of the Soviets - highly technological subsequently - the myth of the smart bomb - both approaches were monumental hubris, in their own way. Only a fool would attempt to win Afghan 'hearts and minds.' It has never worked and never will. - I.
US and UK geostrategists still fete Halford Mackinder's geostrategic and geopolitical "Heatland" theory. I believe history will show, that 2021 was the end of a 150 year western project, trying to exercise control over Central Asia. We are witnesing the same end to a western strategic geopolitical project in the Middle East. "The Times They Are A Changin'".
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