Phoenix Soaps: "Douglas Smythe" aka Erik Coates any good.

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@Missoni - I'm unsure what you mean when you say I "promote" my book. I don't know that I've mentioned it much here, and I generally avoid recommending it (now that would be a conflict of interest for sure), limiting myself to recommending that those who might be interested look at the reader reviews and decide from those whether the book would be helpful. But I cannot recall any general promotion of the book beyond having a Facebook page.

The B&B forum has a few comments about me and the book, including some outright falsehoods (e.g., that the book was plagiarized from B&B posts, which it was not, as those who have read it can testify).

And I don't understand what you mean by my "promoting" a vendor. I mention vendors from whom I've made purchases and whose products I like, and will recommend products based on my experience in using the products. My primary focus, however, is the product. I don't see that describing my experience with a product is promoting the product, but if it is, it's not unusual for forum members to promote products: we often discuss products we like (and don't). I'm just part of that conversation, and I have no interests or motives beyond that.

So I guess I don't understand. I do know that some vendors will become persona non grata on one or another forum, with an unwritten ukase against mentioning such vendors (and in particular against favorable mentions of their products). I was not aware that TSR had that sort of thing. I do know that B&B has barred various vendors (Razor & Brush back in the day, when R&B was bringing in many brands of blades new to US, Connaught Shaving, and others).
Sorry to be so late back to the party, just one question...well two really.. how well do you know Eric? and how many times did he interview you on his pod cast? ..........
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