Phoenix and Beau: Menthol soap testers required

Used the Denali again today for a cold water shave.

The Denali was as great as before.

However I still think that it could be a bit colder to reach its full potential.

Ok look, you started off wrong. Cold water shave.....really? Like using a cold towel even? Well whatever the deal is, this method is seriously messed up. No, not talking about the performance, which I understand is good. The pure uncomfortableness of what should be pleasurable....very twisted.

So, "A bit colder" would be your druthers. Maybe just a smidge warmer than the exploding body parts strength in Erik's post. Yep, cut back just a tad and good to go.

Sure, nothing wrong with that,

Used the sample this morning and for me both the menthol and fragrance are too weak.
Granted i do like a strong one, B&M Artique being my favourite soap
Performance is great, lather, slickness, post feel are all really good so i feel bad saying it doesn't work for me!
The shortcomings just render it neither here or there for me
I used the sample this evening and I, too, think both the fragrance and the menthol 'hit' are too weak.

Performance-wise, of course, the sample was as expected i.e. truly excellent in terms of the usual measures of latherability, cushion, glide, slickness and post-shave feel.

@phoenixandbeau - Kerry, I think you can turn the wick up a good bit on this one. You've got to make it really stand out so that folk say 'Wow, that is freezing!'
Just had my second go with this soap. Original thoughts re needing a bit more menthol to meet the intended kick still stand but I was impressed with how well the lather controlled the aggression of a fresh Feather Pro blade in my AC-SS. Excellent shave.
I really like this soap, it is growing on me.
Best way I can describe it, like an exquisitely spiced korma,
not what I'd have chosen, did I enjoy it? Absolutely!

It's just facilitated the best shave I've ever had, hot towel prep, 3 passes with an ATT S1 & shark blade(2nd use). The post shave has been so good I skipped the usual balm & just splashed on some Pashana AS.
Truly lush.

Thanks for the opportunity to try it.
I've never felt the post shave good enough on any other product to just splash & go.
Using Citra Royale with my D01 LE, well that 10 minute lather time, reduced to 3 minutes, of which 30 seconds loading. Results ice cream like lather. Kerry I don't seem to get the chewing gum, sticky proto lather as I did with the first samples. Apart from addition of EO's am I right in thinking no changes were made to the base formula? Not a complaint as the lather is exquisite just an observation.
Hey @Nishy definitely not, my friend. The base formula is so good I'd be crazy to change it.

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I found that menthol and mint oils do have an effect on the properties of a lather. Whilst I've not experimented with the P&B unscented and mint/menthol, I have with other soaps and it does change them somewhat.

I'm looking forward to trying my home blend double mint and menthol preshave oil with Denali Mr Freeze will have nothing on me! It'll be the new botox I can tell you.
Evening all,

So I've found some time in our schedule to get version 3 of Denali out to our testers. I'm aiming to have your samples out to you by early next week at the very latest. Please note, Version 3 is decidedly colder than Version 2 and I'm keen to see what you think.

We're crazy busy here; we're now carried by Maggards Razors (as well as our six other stockists), Albion, solid colognes, finalising Denali, working on more content for our website are but a few of the things we're working on. I think I need another Kerry to help out!

Kindest regards,
