Penhaligons Disappointment

Morning All,

Well having puchased the Endymion shaving cream for £9.00 in the recent Penhaligons sale, I tried it for the first time last night and I have to say that I was somewhat underwhelmed, although on reflection this morning i have started to ask myself "well what was it that you were actually expecting of it?"

Yes, no problem in applying it.

Little, if any, fragrance evident on application or on completion of the shave.

Shave was smooth, but then it generally is now that I've moved on to the Personna blades following a recommendation on the forum, and last nights shave was with a new blade (getting 4 comfortable shaves per blade by the way)

Steve's Bay Rum was applied on completion and this, as always, was excellent.

As to date my shaving has been with Peraso white cream pre shave and Proraso green tub shaving soap I am asking myself if perhaps there is a perception as to the performance of a particular product based purely on the price that you are paying for it; in this case £23.00 if I had purchased at full price, only to then feel let down when you actually use it?

Would be interested in your views.

Some creams ( and soaps) needs special treatment, I find that this cream is one of them. Try to face lather and keep at it for a couple if days. That's what I learned from Dodgy Martino anyway and it works for me, I still think I can get it better but it's very nice as is now, for me.
Mikael said:
Some creams ( and soaps) needs special treatment, I find that this cream is one of them. Try to face lather and keep at it for a couple if days. That's what I learned from Dodgy Martino anyway and it works for me, I still think I can get it better but it's very nice as is now, for me.

And then, in your opinion, how does it differ from much less expensive products?

I have the Endymion cream, also bought for £9. I'd say there is some fragrance there but not an overpowering one which is fine by me. It lathers really well and does leave your face quite soft and moisturised after a shave.
Compared to cheaper creams, is it any better than a £2 tube of Ingrams or Palmolive? that is always up to the individual to decide. I like using Ingrams in my rotation, and it performs just as well as the Endymion although the amount you need to apply for a good lather with the Ingrams is a bit/lot more as the consistency is a bit more watery.
If I had paid full price for the Endymion I would have thought it's not worth £23 ,then again, I wouldn't of, but for £9 I'd say it is.
I have that cream as well, and I must say that you're paying more for a brand and good packaging than anything. It has an elegant scent, but not as strong as it should for the price, and it hasn't remarkable shaving properties either.

Penhalligon's should at least add more scent power to its shaving creams, because most people probably buy them thinking in having the full range and could be disappointed.

Thanks for the replies.

It's good to know that there appears to be a consensus of opinion on this one.

I hope that I managed to get accross in my post that I am in no way suggesting that this is a poor product, merely that in my opinion it is acceptable in performance as a £9.00 purchase, but would seem to be somewhat extortionate had it been purchased at £23.00.

It's always the case you pay more for the brand name but as for stronger smelling perfumes in their shaving creams/soaps? 'personally', I don't want to be smelling it for hours on end afterwards, I prefer my creams /soaps to have a subtle scent.
You wont smell a soap or cream's scent afterwards but on the whole that's what you pay for with "higher end" products, shave wise I've never really cared for Pens creams.
Dobbo25 said:
It's always the case you pay more for the brand name but as for stronger smelling perfumes in their shaving creams/soaps? 'personally', I don't want to be smelling it for hours on end afterwards, I prefer my creams /soaps to have a subtle scent.

Mmmm... I have different opinion. I would prefer a cheap non-scented shaving cream, a better solution for me and my wallet over to an expensive poorly scented one.

If I pay a lot of money for a luxury brand shaving cream or soap, I would like a strong scent at least...

Found it to be as good as T&H or Harris performance wise and the scent was really strong and lasted for around half an hour, not that i would by a cream for scent alone or be under any illusion that it would stay around like an EdT etc.

As with other high end names like Floris, Creed and such, your mainly paying for the name on the box and the scent.
Yeah, I mentioned the scent; or lack of, on application and completion merely as something that I felt may be a relevant factor to certain people when purchasing a product, although for me this is not a major factor as I too like it to be minimal and therefore not detrimental to the fragrance of my final product.

Perhaps the moisturising properties far exceed those in cheaper products and this is an area that I can't fault it on based on my first trial.

SAINT12661 said:
Yeah, I mentioned the scent; or lack of, on application and completion merely as something that I felt may be a relevant factor to certain people when purchasing a product, although for me this is not a major factor as I too like it to be minimal and therefore not detrimental to the fragrance of my final product.

Perhaps the moisturising properties far exceed those in cheaper products and this is an area that I can't fault it on based on my first trial.


Strange that the scent was weak, i had the Opus cream and it was extremely strong.
RB73 said:
SAINT12661 said:
Yeah, I mentioned the scent; or lack of, on application and completion merely as something that I felt may be a relevant factor to certain people when purchasing a product, although for me this is not a major factor as I too like it to be minimal and therefore not detrimental to the fragrance of my final product.

Perhaps the moisturising properties far exceed those in cheaper products and this is an area that I can't fault it on based on my first trial.


Strange that the scent was weak, i had the Opus cream and it was extremely strong.

Perhaps my sense of smell has been affected by use to date of the Prorasa Green Eucylyptus pre shave and shaving soap!
Would that everything in my life lived up to my expectations, especially my hopes and dreams, even of Endymion shaving cream! For £9.00 several of us took a punt. Some of us are happy, some less than happy with our purchase - ain't it always so?

Who cares about it being good value or not at £23? We didn't pay £23. Penhaligon's offer it for sale at that price and are happy - I guess - with their sales figures. It's not about value, it's about them finding enough punters willing to pay that price. I'm not one of them.
Sir_eider said:
Dobbo25 said:
It's always the case you pay more for the brand name but as for stronger smelling perfumes in their shaving creams/soaps? 'personally', I don't want to be smelling it for hours on end afterwards, I prefer my creams /soaps to have a subtle scent.

Mmmm... I have different opinion. I would prefer a cheap non-scented shaving cream, a better solution for me and my wallet over to an expensive poorly scented one.

If I pay a lot of money for a luxury brand shaving cream or soap, I would like a strong scent at least...


You should try Fitjar Shea, no smell at all for a very high price :icon_biggrin:
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