Closed Pass Around - The Merkur Futur Clone

Picked this up from the sorting office today. It's a great shaver with a Rapira Swedish Super Steel on setting 3. Gave me BBS on the majoirty of my face without loads of passes or any irritation.
Will try it with a new, different blade each time.
I've also tried this with a 7 o'clock black, a Schick Ultra Platinum and a 1977 Gillette Platinum. All very good when used with Spanish Fig Bath House shaving soap. I find it's very noisy on setting 3 and setting 1.5 is about right for me as I was shaving daily.
I'd be happy to buy one of these in chrome effect or a matte finish. Matte would be preferred as it is a little slippery (not overly but I am a bit clumsy anyway).

Have messaged Andy to get his address to send on to him.
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Felt much more secure today but still quite bulky to use. Seems a good razor for the money but the original futur is now only around £50 so not sure which I would get
Chaps is this still going? looking for some more opinions about this beast.

There is a new slightly improved version of this in Black. After five month of not buying any shaving crap it's time for something new so my £16 is ready to go to China. Look like they still have the ghastly gold one like DT's plus the Matte below plus silver plus shiny black. Matte will by choice.

From what I understand they sorted the numbers misalignment and the coating is very durable.