Closed Pass around straight (it's a go now - Swedish razor walkabout) ...

Just a note to say thank you to Mikael for the videos. They've encouraged me to go back to the straight razors and I've had some excellent shaves over the last few days. In particular I've appreciated the idea of two n-s and s-n passes with a touch-up pass. I've actually done the last of these with a DE and hope to learn the horizontal ATG pass (on the neck) in the future.
Hi Mikael

I think I need to return this girl to you for a bit of honing tlc. I gave her 50 or so laps on Carl's makeshift strop, which reduced the tugging a little on my 2nd shave with it this morning but there was still plenty. The blade's too dull to do the job at the moment, for me at any rate. I'll get her posted back to you and PM whoever is next on the list to send the strop onto them. I am also wondering if the "strop" is up to the job, I don't know enough about them to know if it is or not.

A big thanks for the taster. I now know that I definitely want to add a straight or 2 to my repertoire in the not too distant future. Perhaps starting out with the low maintenance option of a Feather.
Yes please, send her back. How many times did you shave with it (edge should last for a while, even though being a extra hollow grind - but a bad stropping technique can fast round the edge).

Edited: if you use a big angle, say 35-40 degrees or more, two things will happen - 1. it'll feel very scratchy 2. the edge will lose it's sharpness quickly. I do understand if someone holds the razor in a large angle, it feels safer and it could be a good thing in the beginning ... and under the honker/nose. I've seen some very well visited youtube guys use very large angle though and I don't get why, your cutting action's reduced dramatic.
Used her twice. Stropped once carefully after watching Geofatboy's instructional vid on it. It did seem to improve the shave a bit over the first time, so I don't think that dulled her, though I am unsure if the makeshift strop is up to the job. Re. blade angle I'm absolutely sure my technique needs a vast amount of improving only having 2 straight shaves under my belt, though I think I would have been going at more like 25-30 degrees. I'll give her another try in the next couple of days paying particular attention to that and see if that makes a difference. Also without so much growth, I had a 4 day stubble to shave off this morning. We're on a public holiday until Wednesday so will get her in the post after that (no post until then).
I'll give you "makeshift strop"!! I'll have you know it is the very best ebay quality! It does improve the edge but is primarily for practice - hacking to bits - as the blade is to go back to Mikael regularly between users, if my understanding is correct.
lol, cheers Carl...I wasn't being a twine arse (as they say round 'ere), just genuinely wondering if it would do the job or I have no experience with stropping straights and wouldn't know. I tell you what it looks grand for addition to my SnM parlour! :angel:
Well I think a 4 day stubble explains the scratchy part, nothing strange with that, especially with such a hollow ground razor.
OK, shaved with her again today with only a day's growth and paying more attention to angle. Definitely easier. However she just wouldn't get through ATG on my throat on the 2nd pass and I had to switch to a DE to finish off. I take this to mean she needs a hone, or perhaps only a good stropping with paste would do the trick. I'll pop her in the post on Wednesday Mikael. Again, many thanks for the taster, it's a great pass-around you're doing here for those of us interested in trying straights. I'm definitely going to be adding them to my shaving repertoire on the back of this dabble with the Crown & Eagle. And thanks Carl for the strop. I'll PM Mark70 re. sending the strop on. He seems to be next on the list.
Mikael, I haven't had a chance to get to the post office this past week, but she'll be on her way back to base on Monday. Just in case you were wondering. All the best, Alex
Hi how's the wondering straight razor going? I noticed that a few takers have acquired a straight all of there own! (fantastic news)