Closed Pass around straight (it's a go now - Swedish razor walkabout) ...

HI Ken! Of course, either flip sends the razor to me and re fresh the edge or if you (Ken) know that there's someone who can touch up the edge near you... Could you, Ken, check with flip and have him send you (or me) the razor?
Hi Mikael. I agreed with Flip that I'd re-hone this rather than it coming back to you in Sweden - however that didn't happen and I'm off on holiday for a couple of weeks now. Maybe Jamie or one of the other lads would take it on.

Cheers Rob! I think that's a great idea, lets do it like that (and if you're on holiday a couple of weeks, then be it so - if we bring in another person it prob will take as long anyway).

I'll contact Flip and have him send it to you, if you could PM your addy to him I would be grateful! If Ken then please PP shipping funds to Rob, it would be even greater!
Sorry for the tardiness gentlemen.

i can confrim that the razor is in tip-top condition thanks to UKRob and is ready to be sent on to Ken - PM me!

Many thanks to Mikael for his generosity and to Rob for his skill and patience
flip-68 said:
Razor sent yesterday to ken. Enjoy!

And gratefully received!

It arrived at my office last week, but I've been away (for the christening of my second godson - what a fantastic event) so only picked it up today.

Looks to be in great nick. Quick question - the two packets of sterilising fluid you sent - is the idea that I use those before or after I make use of the razor (or both)?

If I am to restock with Barbicide when I pass on, can anyone recommend a good place to buy some cheap sachets?
hi ken - sorry for the delay in replying.

the packets came with the razor when i received it. i have my own stock of cleaning alcohol so i didnt touch them. i suppose use it b4 your 1st use (tho the blade is clean) and before you send it on. i don't think the idea was ever to include a restockable item with the blade so i wouldn't worry about it.

Hello all. I still have the straight, and despite doing my best to blunt it by not stropping properly, I have got to a stage where I can shave most of my face with it comfortably, and have decided to commit to investing in my own straight and strop come Christmastime.

So if anyone is keen to have this, let me know and I'll get it honed again and PIF.
It is, it is, I'm sending the thing for rehoning this week. I'm really sorry for the delay, life has been absolutely insane so far this year, and this has slipped.