Closed Pass around Stahly head list

This seem right I hope?
Dodgy, if it is ok with Graeme it would make sense for Benthespaniel to have the head after me as we are work colleagues and I can pass it to him when I finish with it?

If by Graeme, you mean Gairdner, he is below us in the land that is Scot so we can send it South when we finish with it, rather than bounce it around. I have blades to send him so I can include the head in his blade package.....


Sounds good to me. I would guess Graeme has enough toys to keep him busy till the Stahly gets to him.

Graeme? Ok with you?.


It's ok Tony, if you like a smooth, close shave from a razor that forgives the most uncouth technique.......

A great head for the early morning bleary eyed shave I reckon....

I tried with a new Lab blue last night, and a iridium super (3) tonight with Ingrams and Palmolive cream, custom UFO and Weber heavy handles respectively.

Superb shaves!

Need one

Oh dear :icon_razz:
Tony.T said:
used my Stahly head with the custom made handle I got a contact to make for me (see acquisitions thread)- Superb, close and comfortable shave!

Good for you!

Will be at most a month before you part with it then? :icon_razz:

I have a new shaving bowl on route from Hong Kong Tony............

Thanks for that!
