Closed Pass around Stahly head list

Take me, me ... You think it'll fit on my Heljestrand scales. Ohh, I'm so excited about this. Cheers Martin, you're the man (as you say, over there)
I'll give it a try please. A good sharp blade and attached to one of Daz's superweight handles should work well. I'll try it with the Weber Bulldog handle as well.

I'm not in a big rush though, I will have the R41 on it's way shortly, and still have a few of the Chines blade pif to get through so have plenty to keep me busy for a while.
All righty then. Right now it's:

Lose the beard
Tony T
Big in on this Graeme?
Tall Paul

One reason I'd like other members to try this head is to either prove or disprove a theory of mine. I have to think that a bunch of people who don't use the ATG pass are avoiding it because of some kinda discomfort. If that's the case, this head might be a great one for the finishing pass. Maybe not, but it makes sense to me anyway.

Oh Mikey? sorry, but I can't send anything else to Swedishland. As you know, the last couple packages of very expensive vintage straights never made it to you. Funny thing, because I had included tracking on both of em, and they showed being delivered and signed for. Darn Swedish mail.......

Speaking of Heljestrand scales,I did use that #31 last week for cleaning the windows of paint drops. Man, that's a nice blade (or was).

Actually,you might like to try the Stahly for head shaving.If so, I'll put you on the list.
Cheers Martini, no worries, I'm sure those razors'll turn up, somewhere...

Thank you, but I was just pulling your leggings, I'm afraid I go rather aggressive for my head shaves (I used to shave with straights, but that was more a "just because I can, I do it" thing), now I've settled (for now anyway ) with my GEM Junior (will be in tomorrows SOTD pic) loaded with GEM blades.

Well, it's actually Finland who makes that pisky cloudberry snaps, blame the Finns ... Ohh, I mean the American post. I do understand that you're wondering, but I've got so many Swedish razors in my rotation... It's like people throw vintage straights after one, if you take a walk in Sweden, so you understand if I've got plenty, yes!?

I finally received an item today that is gonna be sent to NTS, along with the Stahly. So, the package will go out tomorrow.

The head will have been cleaned using the normal method of spit and a fairly clean bathroom towel. All set to go, NTS!

Once again, I'm not planning on ever seeing this thing again. I hope a few of you guys find it useful.

I've had this for a while and really like it. I think others will too.
I believe Lose The Beard is next on the list. I deleted all my PMs recently so no longer have your address, Steve.