Closed Pass Around: Merkur Slant list (enchanted)

Well I'm not known for my optimism but as you say Martin, barring very exceptional circumstances, if I were in Wetdogs position I think I could have made it online somewhere at some point over the last month to explain what is going on. My guess is he'd rather have had a free razor and sacrifice his continued participation in this forum. I guess he could still appear as a guest to read what is going here should he so wish? I doubt whether a letter to his address would do any good as I would assume you would not receive a reply for the same reason he has not appeared here in the last month or so, whatever reason thay may be. I guess this sort of thing happens from time to time unfortunately. Has anything else vanished from the lending pool before?

I could try knocking on his door. Being very eloquent as well as polite, I can sometimes be rather persuasive. Oh...I'm also six foot six and an ex boxer but I suppose that's beside the point.
Exapno said:
Personally, I hope wetdog doesn't have any health issues that are preventing him from responding to messages. It would be easy to claim that the slant had never reached you (the Royal Mail is such an easy target) and just keep it while remaining active on the forum. To just vanish is odd.


i sent the slant to wetdog and he replied to me that he had received it (i still have the Pm) so im pretty sure it wasn't in his mind to take advantage of this thread when he added himself to the list.

As to the whys and wherefores of his disappearance we can but speculate but it would take quite a character to sell his dignity and reputation for a 30 quid razor, even on a largley anonymous forum, so i still believe we haven't heard the last from him.

I'm sure that when Mick does venture back onto the forum (even as a guest) he can appreciate the trust that this thread relies on and either let us know what the cause of the delay has been or simply return the razor. if he sends the razor to me at

*edit out address* he's a thief*

I will send it on to the next person on the list and we can leave the matter there.
I was next on the list and I sent him a PM on 20/08/12 with my address, he said he would send it out in a couple of days and he would PM me when he had done it, I sent him a polite reminder last week. Obviously heard nothing since.
OK, looks like this has gone. For whatever reason, ill health, accident, whatever... Kinda sucks for the owner.

Executive Shaving has the long handled version in stock. I am happy to pledge £10 to the original owner by PayPal to buy one if three other people will do the same to i) get this going again, ii) show a little good will....

Does that sound likes a plan? If so, when there are three other people confirmed please PM your details and I'll send it over. All I ask is that you put me on the list too!
OrangeSport said:
I am happy to pledge £10 to the original owner by PayPal to buy one if three other people will do the same to i) get this going again, ii) show a little good will....

Hi there,

Looks like there's not many people on the list........maybe 4-5. I'm thinking I might send out one more slant to test drive for those guys already signed up, but this one I'm gonna want back. Gimme a day or so to figure out what I'd like to do for sure.

That suggestion of yours was a nice gesture, which still might end up being the way to go.

I've got a short handled Merkur slant (37c), that hasn't been used much recently, in my cupboard but I'd still like to keep it. To make things easier I could pass the razor on to the last 5 on the list, which would save Martin posting out another from the states.
I've been following this thread with much interest and amusement but think it would be asking too much of Martin to post another razor from across the pond, after all he already has a fatboy on the go too.

The list of remaining people is, I think, as follows:


Once everybody has finished all I ask is that OrangeSport posts the razor back to me as I would still like to keep it.

How does that sound?

Norky said:
Some very generous offers there guy's, but Niral if you are happy to do that then I would be delighted to give it a go, should I PM you my address?


Go for it.

Don't think I'll get posted till Saturday if that's ok? Working the rest of the week and I've asked my wife to post out too many things recently.

Forgot to add. If anyone nicks my slant I'll kick them in the nut sack!! :)
NNathwani said:
I've got a short handled Merkur slant (37c), that hasn't been used much recently, in my cupboard but I'd still like to keep it. To make things easier I could pass the razor on to the last 5 on the list, which would save Martin posting out another from the states.
I've been following this thread with much interest and amusement but think it would be asking too much of Martin to post another razor from across the pond, after all he already has a fatboy on the go too.

The list of remaining people is, I think, as follows:


Once everybody has finished all I ask is that OrangeSport posts the razor back to me as I would still like to keep it.

How does that sound?


Thank you for doing that. I was gonna send out my Hoffritz, for the last guys to use, but your solution is appreciated and makes things easier for me. I'm happy to still keep track of it's journey.

If you don't mind, I included cruciate on the list. I'll wait for Norkey to post he received the slant sometime next week.

Nice how this has worked out so easily,

dodgy said:
NNathwani said:
I've got a short handled Merkur slant (37c), that hasn't been used much recently, in my cupboard but I'd still like to keep it. To make things easier I could pass the razor on to the last 5 on the list, which would save Martin posting out another from the states.
I've been following this thread with much interest and amusement but think it would be asking too much of Martin to post another razor from across the pond, after all he already has a fatboy on the go too.

The list of remaining people is, I think, as follows:


Once everybody has finished all I ask is that OrangeSport posts the razor back to me as I would still like to keep it.

How does that sound?


Thank you for doing that. I was gonna send out my Hoffritz, for the last guys to use, but your solution is appreciated and makes things easier for me. I'm happy to still keep track of it's journey.

If you don't mind, I included cruciate on the list. I'll wait for Norkey to post he received the slant sometime next week.

Nice how this has worked out so easily,


No worries, Martin. It's the least I could do. After all, you let me borrow your Fatboy and it lets me give something back to this excellent forum.
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