Closed Pass Around: Merkur Slant list (enchanted)

dodgy said:
Current list:

Glen Lee......done

Electrif said:
Could you put me in the next available slot for this?

Glad to hear she was a good fit, Richard . Also, Arthur now has a spot reserved.
Pass Around: Merkur Slant list (enchanted)

I'm done with the slant. Pretty much the same as my 39c but shorter and lighter. Ok on a few days growth. I think electrif is next so I'll message for your address.
fly3k said:
I'm done with the slant. Pretty much the same as my 39c but shorter and lighter. Ok on a few days growth. I think electrif is next so I'll message for your address.

Apart from the weight and length between the 37c and the 39c; any difference in performance?
Pass Around: Merkur Slant list (enchanted)

Same end result with both.
Actually waited till today for first use, so 3 days growth. Loaded an Astra SP, lined up the blade as described in previous posts, lathered some Nivea cream with my Kent Infinity.
OMGA (Oh my giddy aunt) what a stunning 3 pass shave.
Now I know what slant shaving is like. Looking forward to a few more.
Oh I've got to get me one of these

Having now read through this marathon of a thread, I now realise that this razor is Enchanted 2, and is down to the generosity of some of our members.
So before I go any further I would like to thank:
1. Martin for the original PA
2. The kind members who made sure this epic PA continues.