Active Pass Around: Fatboy

Please may I be added to the list? I shave regularly with a Slim, have always been curious about trying a Fatboy, but have never taken the plunge and bought one. Thank you.
Of course...
  • Who knows how many people since 2011
  • Bechet
  • riverrun
  • Liocer
  • Looney12345
  • SAnderson781
  • David68
  • shevsky
  • Reefhead
  • Les Dupondt
  • … You?
The list is open.

Legend: Completed, Currently with, Waiting
Last edited:
Fatboy arrived safely today - nice stack of accompanying blades to try too
Thank you.
  • Who knows how many people since 2011
  • Bechet
  • riverrun
  • Liocer
  • Looney12345
  • SAnderson781
  • David68
  • shevsky
  • Reefhead
  • Les Dupondt
  • … You?
The list is open.

Legend: Completed, Currently with, Waiting
OK, feel I've had my time with old Fatboy and will barbicide and pass on to @Les Dupondt once he pm's me his postage details.
Big thanks to Martin and the forum for the opportunity to have a play with this piece of history - it's still in fabulous condition. I really enjoyed the experience of dialling in various aggression settings and settled on 4 and 5 as most comfortable with Polsilvers and a 3-pass regime. Saying that it still bit a few times in the more awkward lip/nose areas, and overall find my Rockwell a much more comfortable and forgiving shave.
Thanks again
Details sent to @Reefhead.
can I please add my name to the list
I was just about to add a new call for participants.
  • Who knows how many people since 2011
  • Bechet
  • riverrun
  • Liocer
  • Looney12345
  • SAnderson781
  • David68
  • shevsky
  • Reefhead
  • Les Dupondt
  • phil-b
  • … You?
The list is open.

Legend: Completed, Currently with, Waiting
I'd love to have a go with this when available. This is on the bucket list.
  • Who knows how many people since 2011
  • Bechet
  • riverrun
  • Liocer
  • Looney12345
  • SAnderson781
  • David68
  • shevsky
  • Reefhead
  • Les Dupondt
  • phil-b
  • matt925b
  • … You?
The list is open.

Legend: Completed, Currently with, Waiting
I've been shaving with the Fatboy for a week now, so I suppose I should reluctantly pass it on to the next person on the list. So, @phil-b , if you PM me your details, I'll clean it up and get it on the way to you.

I took the liberty of re-doing the numbers on the dial as they were completely worn away, and I had plenty of paint left over from recently doing the same thing with my Slim. They have come up a treat, even though I say so myself.

The shave report: I was particularly interested to try the Fatboy, partly because of its iconic status, partly because I'd seen differing opinions as to whether it actually was a good shaver. That was my bottom line. I don't particularly care how famous or iconic a razor might be, performance is the beginning and end for me. My obvious point of comparison was my Slim, which I love. Overall, I couldn't say that one was "better" than the other: I got excellent shaves from the Fatboy, BBS six days out of seven, and no irritation. Not better than my Slim, just "differently good". The only difference in shaving performance I noted was that the Fatboy was one notch less aggressive than the Slim. So whereas my default setting on the Slim is 6, I needed to dial up the Fatboy to 7 to get the equivalent level of assertiveness. That would only become an issue if I were using either extreme of the settings, but I'm not. Likewise, when I was dialling down for a touch-up after three passes, the Fatboy worked as well on 3 as my Slim on 2.

So I had no issues with its performance as a razor - I would happily use one of these in my rotation. The Fatboy obviously has its own feel - it has a lot of heft for a razor and I found it slightly more difficult to handle than any other safety I own. From a styling and aesthetic point of view, I prefer the Slim, which I also find easier to handle.

Overall, I would like to own one, but I doubt that I want one badly enough to pay the sort of prices they fetch on online auctions.

Finally, thank you to all who made it possible for me to try out the razor - I very much appreciate your thoughtfulness and generosity.
I took the liberty of re-doing the numbers on the dial as they were completely worn away, and I had plenty of paint left over from recently doing the same thing with my Slim. They have come up a treat, even though I say so myself.
You could have asked first, but I would have had no objections, as it's not my razor. I don't think @dodgy would mind.. I hope..
Any pictures?
Replating anyone? In gold?