Parker razor

I have brought this a very good Razor indeed nice weight very good shave it does not look to bad either well done Parker
I am often tempted by Parker razors but always get put off by stories of them breaking. I am sure it is something they are working on so I hope you have a good one. Let us know how this razor works out for you.
I posted that I thought this razor looked nice too, but got told it looked like something my gran would own. Remember, Dipesh? :)
I still think it's a nice and unusual looking razor but never got round to buying it.
This is one of my favourite handles from my early DE days. The head was binned pretty sharpish - way too aggrressive for sane folk! With a Merkur or EJ head on the handle and a mild blade - 7 O'c Green are my favourites - this is a smashing holiday or weekend shaver (emphasis on comfort).

Parker TTOs are very usable, straight from the box!
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