
I've finally come to the conclusion that comfortable underwear is worth paying for, so I'm looking for recommendations.

I like long boxer briefs/trunks that can hold everything in place when crawling round under desks and behind servers etc.

My first foray into posh pants are a pair of 9" Under Armour boxers. Which are great, very comfortable and do the job but are a little ... man made fiberey? Keks should be mainly cotton IMHO.

Any ideas?
Sunspel, zimmerli, Derek Rose. Have a gander around The mr porter website. Probably still best to wait for the sales though as all are pricey.
Two schools of thought here - let you kit swing loose or held in place. For either option M&S give probably the best range to choose from. You can get boxer type in cotton that will hold you snugly or the more traditional boxer where it all hangs loose.

The 'active' wear all tend to have stretch material that you may not like - however M&S always clearly mark what's in there - I prefer a bit of stretch for comfort when sitting down - which is what I mostly do all day long.
Sunspel briefs in Egyptian cotton - all day, every day.

Wouldn't buy anything else.

Corgi socks for casual wear with brogues, Pantherella for work / formal.
Tall_Paul said:
Had a quick butchers at Sunspel and have managed to restore myself with some smelling salts. £30 for a pair of kegs!

Yes. Ironically, I looked at the Sunspel prices and was so shocked that I found myself almost needing to change the ones that I was wearing.

I'm definitely of the keep it all in place school of thought. Things swinging loose when wearing a climbing harness can be a bad thing - especially if you fall off at the wrong moment...

Well some new names in there I've not come across before - I'm still trying to get my head around £75 for a pair of cotton boxers - not gold - just cotton. My Yorkshire Scot sensibilities are already reeling over paying £15 - it was lucky I was sitting down! As you say I'll keep an eye out for the sales.

Never thought of M & S, good idea. Another make that was suggested by a friend is Bjorn Borg - he makes pants, who knew? He (the friend not Mr Borg) also had a one off discount code he passed on, so thats my next try out.

I have limited budget for such things (or indeed any things) so it'll be next pay check for the next trial run. I'll report back on what I find.

@Gazza they actually do 3" and 6" as well as the 9" but they are definitely a "sport" item of clothing.

It's the Zimmerli that will really do for you...
I once read some good advice for men who had reached the age of 65:

1 - Never pass up the opportunity to take a leak.
2 - Never trust a fart.
3 - Never waste an erection - whether you're on your own or not.

I think number two should also include - never wear white cotton underpants.
I wear mainly Pringle lycra boxers. I prefer the meat and two veg held in place by snug pants. I also like button fronts and the loose kind sometimes allow the trouser snake to sneak out of the gap if they bunch up. Impossible to adjust your way out of that while on the tube!

I very rarely wear white ones either. I also spend my life crawling around servers and under desks and pearly white pants combined with a dicky stomach can yield unpleasant results ;).
Debenhams, Manta Ray range of tight boxer shorts are comfy and secure enough. Affordable too, and mainly cotton I think. They come in black for the more skid mark aware gentleman. Like me.
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