Panama Hats

West Yorkshire
Is it just a myth that you can fold up Panama hats without creasing them up... or does it just apply to special ones that have been hand-rolled on the thighs of dusky maidens?

I had a panama hat that definitely didn't like being packed in a suitcase, so I had to wear it in the airport and stow it in the locker on the flight. Recently my brother donated another one to me... although it was an M&S hat, it was definitely stated to be "foldable".... with the result that I spent two weeks on hols looking like Elmer Fudd.

A cool-ish iron restores the rim to its former glory... but for me it's either wear on the plane or "hello, Elmer"
I have the same problem, I have one.....made in Ecuador,as the genuine ones are supposed to be, but it doesn't look good after being rolled up.....maybe we're doing it wrong.
I left my hat in a steamy bathroom 'til it came back to some semblance of its original shape...
Tilley. Hat not lamp. Copes with just about anything and even if you lose it they give you half your money back, seriously. Not perhaps as elegant for a gentleman but a great hat that would survive the jungle squeeze of a sweaty gorilla's thigh chafe. Mine has floated upon Lochs Tay and Ken, coped with many a night's campfire tomfoolery, actually been lost twice and returned to me because of my address being printed inside the crown, been stood on by a fat drunk Englishman, been stood on by an even fatter but sober Scotsman, bird shat on, washing machine cycles, stuffed remorselessly in my Duluth pack and you know what, I reckon it looks better for it. Wife reckons I still look a twat in it though. Damn fine hat but the Honey Badger would kill it because....
Tilley hats have now gone to the top of my "must google" list... even ahead of "the electromagnetic spectrum" and "ships of Nelson's Navy". I hope I'm not disappointed!

William... I've noticed a bit of steaminess (as with the iron) does wonders. Maybe Ecuador is rather humid and the hat works wonders there

Tilley hats googled... hmmm.... I think I could carry one off!
Isn't there a particular technique to folding them?

On another note, why do some men have a habit of putting them on the rear parcel shelves of saloon cars? I think it must mean something to those in the know... I've asked this before and people who did it just said "Ah but it's the perfect place to store one's hat", which is plainly bollocks as you never see a trilby or a flat cap or a stovepipe or a pork pie hat on a parcel shelf.
The Shocking Truth: Panama Hat Masonic Link?

Canuck, could any of the folk you asked about Panama parcel shelf storage, have possibly been hurriedly rolling down their trouser leg whilst making look like they were tying a shoe lace? Or did they extend a hand seemingly for shaking purposes only to rifle it suspiciously through their hair when challenged about affairs of the hat. Were they perhaps putting their hands into their pocket to relax in an oddly flustered manner when the hiding of certain symbolic jewellery was likely the true purpose? Hmm, I reckon they were looking at their Panama's thinking, " Wish I'd got a Tilley, ruddy wife keeps putting that damn Elmer Fudd thing on the parcel shelf just to wind me up".

WiffWaff, Tilley's are legend. Don't take my word for it ask Ray Mears or better still the late, great Bill Mason who after diving to the bottom of an icy Canadian river to retrieve his beloved hat, suggested to Alex Tilley that he put a small and removable, discreet yet buoyant foam insert into the crown inside pocket so that if it fell in again, he wouldn't nearly kill himself fetching it back. Every hat conversation on any open canoeing forum always gravitates towards Tilley. People start by saying they're too expensive and that their Karrimor or Army/Navy knock off is just as good or is 'all they'll ever need'. Come Birthday, come Christmas, come payday, guess what? Doubting Thomas just got a new hat. One word of warning: it will NOT survive a Honey Badger attack because....

It ain't razors but how's that for some mean enabling? Personally, I think I look sophisticated in a manly and rather smug way when I'm wearing mine. Too bad my neighbours think I'm barmy!
Had one for 5or6 yrs until my wife fancied to wear it one day and then rolled it up into her bag. It was never the same. Even tried to steam it but it never came back.:)-(
Not sure if a Tilley would cut a dash in quite the same way as a Panama... but I think I may have to try one out.

How do they look on the back shelf of a car?

Can you get them with corks dangling round the brim? Suffered terribly from the flies on me last hols whilst trying to eat me pastel del nata... think the flies had mistaken me for a dog poo or something.
WiffWaff said:
Not sure if a Tilley would cut a dash in quite the same way as a Panama... but I think I may have to try one out.

How do they look on the back shelf of a car? Don't know, I thought they were for sticking on your head? :p

Can you get them with corks dangling round the brim? Suffered terribly from the flies on me last hols whilst trying to eat me pastel del nata... think the flies had mistaken me for a dog poo or something. Blimey, I'm glad you said corks mate!
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