Palmolive at Asda

Wednesday August 5, 2009
West Yorkshire
It was irritating to see Palmolive sticks marked up at 49p in Asda yesterday, but I still bought a few, muttering about a 10% price rise. Turns out they give you a 7p discount for bulk. Vinny: at 42p perhaps you should top up your dwindling stockpile ;)
Cheers Arrowhead,

I just gave one away and now only have one left.

At the rate I'm using it it could be finished within the next two years, thankfully I should be in Asda within the next week or two to stem the panic.
Every cloud has it's silver lining they say.

Palmolive stick up to 49p
Personna Blades down to £1.70

Swings and roundabouts with ASDA.

Still cheaper to buy better blades online.
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