OSP Bay Rum Shaving Soap. Unused, with great scent.

Hmmm … I'll try this again

1 patw
2 DeeCee
3 Dansco
4 Weean
5 pimple8
6 ob21
7 gile
8 Boru62
9 fly3k
10 Hectosgaf
11 sefwow
12 shevsky
13 Michael cushion
14 Rohleder
15 micheal
Hmmm … I'll try this again

1 patw
2 DeeCee
3 Dansco
4 Weean
5 pimple8
6 ob21
7 gile
8 Boru62
9 fly3k
10 Hectosgaf
11 sefwow
12 shevsky
13 Michael cushion
14 Rohleder
15 micheal
Keep checking you are still on the list, mistakes can be made but are easy to rectify if spotted P.
An amazing pif - many thanks for the offer. Not in, the scent is not for me, but I recommend OSP soap to anyone - it's top class.
I am in! Thank yoi for this generous offer

1 patw
2 DeeCee
3 Dansco
4 Weean
5 pimple8
6 ob21
7 gile
8 Boru62
9 fly3k
10 Hectosgaf
11 sefwow
12 shevsky
13 Michael cushion
14 Rohleder
15 micheal
16 Frenky
Is it a classic spicy Bay Rum or one of the more common "smells a bit like Christmas" styles?
I would say classic but then I have only tried two Bay Rum Soaps so I'm not the best person to ask, the Bay Rum scent with its spice and cloves could be said to smell a bit like christmas anyway depending on how traditional your Christmas is and what part of the world you are in.
I would ask anyone who has used this soap to pitch in now and help me out.......is it " Classic" or is it a Chiristmas pudding? I vote it's a classic Bay Rum with my limited experience with Bay Rum Shaving Soaps, it's OSP!
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I'm in, thanks for the generous offer!

1 patw
2 DeeCee
3 Dansco
4 Weean
5 pimple8
6 ob21
7 gile
8 Boru62
9 fly3k
10 Hectosgaf
11 sefwow
12 shevsky
13 Michael cushion
14 Rohleder
15 micheal
16 Frenky
17 donnie_arko
@Nisse - I'd agree with Classic. It's not particularly 'clove'y with the only 'clove'ness coming from the smell of the West Indies Bay. There's some lime in there but it's predominantly WI Bay.
I can't resist a good PIF, very generous!

1 patw
2 DeeCee
3 Dansco
4 Weean
5 pimple8
6 ob21
7 gile
8 Boru62
9 fly3k
10 Hectosgaf
11 sefwow
12 shevsky
13 Michael cushion
14 Rohleder
15 micheal
16 Frenky
17 donnie_arko
18 Randomangle
i would love to be in please, much appreciated.

1 patw
2 DeeCee
3 Dansco
4 Weean
5 pimple8
6 ob21
7 gile
8 Boru62
9 fly3k
10 Hectosgaf
11 sefwow
12 shevsky
13 Michael cushion
14 Rohleder
15 micheal
16 Frenky
17 donnie_arko
18 Randomangle
19 smoose89
Any more for any more? All welcome, new members, longstanding members, regular contributors and not so regular contributors, roll up roll up, there will be a winner, who it will be nobody knows! P.
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1 patw
2 DeeCee
3 Dansco
4 Weean
5 pimple8
6 ob21
7 gile
8 Boru62
9 fly3k
10 Hectosgaf
11 sefwow
12 shevsky
13 Michael cushion
14 Rohleder
15 micheal
16 Frenky
17 donnie_arko
18 Randomangle
19 smoose89
20 Nisse

Ok then, feeling lucky, Sweden will be World Champs in Russia and I will score a soap (paying for postage)