Open comb vs Safety bar?

Hello to all. I'm looking at the att M1 or the M2 not just this razor but in general what is your preferred head to shave with. Which is better to shave with 4 or 5 times aweek. I've got quit thick stubble but sensitive skin. As aways many thanks for your time and your views.
I've had both the M1 and M2 heads and found the M2 slightly smoother than the M1 and it also shaved just a tad closer. I don't have a particularly tough beard but do have sensitive skin and the R1 that I use now strikes just the right balance for me as a daily razor.
chris.hale said:
I much prefer an open comb, they leave more lather on your skin for the blade so the shave's smoother and they also deal well with a couple of days' growth.

That's a very good point. There is also perhaps a little more blade exposure on an OC.

If you're looking for something that will effectively mow down tough stubble without irritating though I'd second Shemen Zait's suggestion of a slant. There's usually one knocking around in the Lending Pool to try out.
Are the higher end slants smoother than say the 37c because I have had a 37c and found it as ruff as fk I ended up giving it to my son.
george said:
Are the higher end slants smoother than say the 37c because I have had a 37c and found it as ruff as fk I ended up giving it to my son.

37c is as smooth as silk! Even with an "average" blade the 37c still performs.....
I do think I jumped to quickly to the 37c and that was a lot to do with the bad experiences with a slant. I've gone with open comb but I think a slant is a thing I will have to try again.
Definitely give the slant another chance. The Merkur 37C will bite if you haven't got your technique dialed in, but the shaves are phenomenal once you do.

It wasn't very long ago that I thought I really only liked milder razors (iKon OSS, or Gillette Tech for example) but I've come to the conclusion that I like shaving with all my razors, from mild to militant, and have even begun to use shims under the blade on some of the mildest to boost their "bite".

I still like the milder razors, but the more ferocious ones are fun too -- a bit more challenging.
For me, a closed bar will give a little irritation when I shave with 3 days growth versus an open comb. I find the open comb smoother with this amount of growth as it leaves some lather/slickness on the face and allows the long hairs to pass through and be cut.

Maybe its all in my head!
ATT M2 turned up yesterday and after the first shave an open comb really does work for me. Had the best shave I think I've ever had smooth and irritation free. As much as I like shaving I only like to have one thing that works not keep chopping and changing and I think this is the one.
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