open comb help

Monday July 26, 2010
hi all

i started DE shaving 2 weeks ago and love it i have a merkur 33c

can some one tell me in their experience which razor will give an even closer shave

what is an open comb and is this used for a closer shave

my technique is fine and i am getting a great shave from the 33c but want to know is something else is better
There are certainly more aggressive razors available including open combs.

I'd have a crack a trying different blades in that razor first, it can make a huge difference.

I usually recommend that new DE users stick with the same setup for about a 4 weeks to get their technique sorted, and then they can start experimenting.

Regarding different or 'better' razors, it can be quite difficult to recommend something, as different razors work differently for different people. What works for one may not work for another.

Antdad is correct, a change of blade can make as much difference as a change of razor.

Slants are generally reckoned to be closer, but I have a light beard and do fine on a Rocket with a Derby.

Also, as well as more experience (as the others have said) good prep is essentially.

In fact I would say it's quicker/easier to learn to shave than to learn to do proper prep (i.e. soaking both beard and brush with warm water for at least a minute beforehand; building a good lather).

Beard-mapping will help too.

Don't switch razors yet: try a new blade(s) and work on the prep. You'll be amazed at the results.
I have just started using an Old Type OC after using a 40s Superspeed for the last couple of weeks.

Notwithstanding the (inevitable) slightly different angles required, i would say in my humble opinion that this OC at least, offers a bit more bite than the previous razor :oops:

Don't get me wrong, i have not cut myself or come over all rashy, but the Alum block does not lie when it says you're getting a bit close there squire!! ;)

So, once you've settled in your technique with your current line up: buy/borrow/beg one and give it a go yourself, that's the only definitive answer - if you don't, you'll never know :)
I think the older OC razors have more bite, as Mick said, than their modern counterparts. Stick with your current razor for now; although I have a nice EJ open comb I'll be looking to sell soon. ;-)
Hi Rav, like others have said, I'd not be rushing to change your razor just yet until you've tried a few diff blades & settled down with your technique.

For years I used a Merkur Slant with Feather blades & got nice results with it. Whether you prefer the standard or long handled version depends a lot on both hand size and how accurate your technique is, I feel. The longer handle allows for more movement as you shave, so it's easier to move away from the sweet angle at the head. If you ever want to try the long handled Merkur I can post it down to you for a loan for a few weeks.

On a slightly different tack, I'm presently using an Ever Ready Single Edge I got as a trade from a fellow forum member. It is as near as I get to the gold standard shaves of my open razor. I'm surprised at the number of reviews and comments I've seen about SEs being aggresive, as I've yet to nick myself with it and it really has amazed me at how close it shaves. They are quite often available at a fairly economical cost, blades seem plentiful & I'll gladly post you down a few blades to try out if you do go for an SE.

Glad you're enjoying the wet shave journey thus far M8.

JohnnyO. :geek:
hi all
i sont want to change razors i dont mind having 2 or 3 just wanted to try an open comb

what excaklty is a OC , will it give a closer shave
Where the razor you currently have has a solid guard bar below the blade, an open comb has a toothed guard bar (like a comb, or crenellations on a castle). Depending on the exact geometry of the gap and the head of the razor the shave can be more aggressive or less so...
On my face (I've got kinda problem skin) open combs tend to scratch a bit & after a couple of days cause irritation. The closed comb you are ptresently using gives a clean, uninterrupted sweep of the blade. From posts I've read one of the most favoured seems to be the "heavy duty" Merkur 11c amongst guys who favour OC. Sorry can't give you much more info on this one M8.

JohnnyO. :cool:
I am very fond of an OC shave.

They certainly give a very close shave but that doesn't mean it has to be an aggressive shave. I had an old version Muhle R89 OC (long toothed) which tore me to shreds so that went but I also have Muhle R41 and Muhle 15c OCs which I think are very good indeed.

The R41 in particular is a luxurious, close and smooth shave when fitted with a Derby (I know, I know). Beautifully finished, nice to drive and provides consistant results.

Oddly enough I was not too keen on the Merkur 11c. No logical reason it just didn't suit me. Lovely HD razor it just didn't suit me.

I have an old Gillette OC as a result of an eBay win, its completely uncleaned and looks as if it needs replating but if anyone wants it (FOC) then please PM me.
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