OneBlade Unboxing [Picture Heavy]

Now you are really whetting my appetite. Luckily I'm third on the OneBlade pass around list, so I'll know soon.... I had a truly great shave with one of those blades in a Valet Autostrop and a truly awful one in another one. I'm prepared and ready. Bring it on.
Now you are really whetting my appetite. Luckily I'm third on the OneBlade pass around list, so I'll know soon.... I had a truly great shave with one of those blades in a Valet Autostrop and a truly awful one in another one. I'm prepared and ready. Bring it on.

I'm really curious to hear your take on it when you've tried it out!
Excellent write up DB.

You may, just may, have succeeded in waking up 'Silvy' (the silverback attached to my back who has a love of shiny things, especially rhodium).

If this comes on offer again I may well make a purchase.
You don't have to - but Db does, is all. I leave my blades in until they are worn out, or, more likely, I give up waiting for them to dull and move on to another razor. Someone more patient than I will set a precedent for the number of shaves from one blade.

I find fitting the blade a bit fiddly and fear damaging the edge - at the corners - so I leave mine in. It's a beautifully simple locking method and I find extraction easy. Just make sure you have the blade the right way round when fitting!
Shave Report Day # 4

Another really stellar shave with the razor this afternoon.
It was the fourth time using the same blade and maybe it was my imagination and/or me actively trying to feel if it was getting more dull but at the end of the shave it felt as if it didn't quite have the same smoothness as the previous shaves. It might be that, for me at least, this is a four-shave blade which quite honestly isn't bad at all.

Merry X-Mas All !

This is a pretty interesting experiment about using a de-spined GEM SE blade in the OneBlade.
So far the result are apparently positive.
I don't know if I'll try it out myself as I was easily able to get 4-5 very, very good shaves out of the Feather blade but it might be of interest to current or potential owners.

Sharpspine's OneBlade adventure thread over on DFS
I don't know how the OneBlade locks down the blade but the Feather blade is a cutting edge wider than the Gem blade without the spine...It might not seat properly...Just something to be aware of...o_O

I don't know how the OneBlade locks down the blade but the Feather blade is a cutting edge wider than the Gem blade without the spine...It might not seat properly...Just something to be aware of...o_O


Yeah dunno. It just 'clicks' in place when you insert the blade. He does make some comment about it not being a 100% fit but in his first shave report he writes that the shave itself worked out really well. As I said, I don't think I personally will try this but for those that have one and want to play around with the option there it is :)
Yeah dunno. It just 'clicks' in place when you insert the blade. He does make some comment about it not being a 100% fit but in his first shave report he writes that the shave itself worked out really well. As I said, I don't think I personally will try this but for those that have one and want to play around with the option there it is :)
It might well fit..Its one of the problems using the Feather blade in some older SEs ..If folks are not aware of it they can slightly bow the blade after clamping it down cause its wider & or put too much pressure on the stops and spring...You might have the opposite issue going on of course with the OneBlade...The Gem blade could be a Tad Slack...It might fit though depending on how its locked down.. :)

If the blade is being locked with the side-notches then the Gem needs to be modified since they don't line up.
Here's what I mean...

Interesting. Supposedly he'll shave with it and/or try to make it fit better in the coming week. It'll be interesting to follow.
Me, I'm too lazy though. Love the razor but will prolly just spend the additional pennies on Feather blades from Connaught as they seem to work well for me.
Love the creativity though.
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