One year on

Just realised that it's turned a year since I started down this road.
Have to say I'll never go back to the electric razor, I did try it once this last year, bloody awful, now its only use is as an emergency hair trimmer! Got a few de's, brushes and straights in the collection along with some nice belgian coticule stones, a new bathroom and many other bits and pieces which I've enjoyed researching and chasing down. My shaving life is so much more relaxing and enjoyable now, it's my time.

And so say all of us!!!!!
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
How time flies. It is good to hear you are enjoying the adventure. I feel very much the same way, I never could use an electric as it brought me out in an awful rash but I do know what you mean, there is simply no going back.