One blade

Billy, tell me more about these thugs bullying folk who had said nothing positive about the Oneblade razor, sound's interesting.
Billy, tell me more about these thugs bullying folk who had said nothing positive about the Oneblade razor, sound's interesting.
I Received a Number of Nasty Threating PMs Over on B & B as Well as Other Folks for Making Honest Criticism's of the OneBlade...B & B Was Flooded with a Number of OneBlade Threads by the Same Group of People Pushing it..I Received PMs from Other Folks that Received Nasty Messages as Well..

A Lot of Folks Left B & B or Stopped Posting After it..It was a Money Making Fiasco because there is Big Bucks Involved with this Razor..The Top End Package at the Time was 2 Thousand Bucks or there About..I Kid You Not..The OneBlade was Marketed by a Guy that was Convicted for Business Mal Practice..Its No Surprize..Not that it Bothered Me..They are Thugs & B & B has Lost a Lot Folks Over this & Other Biased Marketing Towards Razors..

Sound like a nice bunch of people to deal with, it's what the Krays would have done had they produced a razor.... Not really good business practice is it?
Sound like a nice bunch of people to deal with, it's what the Krays would have done had they produced a razor.... Not really good business practice is it?
The Krays are a Good Analogy for Sure..Lets Not be Kidded tho..All Big Business is a Nasty Business..This was Big Business & its Ruthless & Nasty..

They Call it "The Liberal Free Market" that's On the Bones of its Butt & Force & Intimidation these Days to Market Products or Consumer Goods is Akin to What it was Like in the Great Depression of the 1920s..

Billy is sad to see increasing marketing shenanigans and hyped or anodyne reviews for an interest that probably attracted many people because they wanted to avoid same and not be fleeced. Great that those with experience - call out marketing crap or hyped reviews when they see it.
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If they were threatening you dare I add, Silly Thugs.

JohnnyO. o/

Well, after reading this I had no choice but to start an "innocent" thread at B&B. This is my opening post....

"The internet is abuzz with stories of oneblade selling defective razors, and bad customer service. Anyone have any experience or information on this?"

We'll see what happens!


Maybe you can stay on B&B and do all your trolling there and leave TSR alone...
The kind of attention-seeking that you're exhibiting is not healthy.
You're trolling TSR and now even tells us about trolling that you are doing on OTHER sites. Pathetic.
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As the mod said he didn't want other sites discussed on this one because I suppose we wouldn't want TSR to be discussed on other sites, we would not want to get into a them and us situation.
I don't think it was anything more than that to be honest.
I think if you are seen to be negative about most things in all the threads you post on it's going to be seen as "trolling"
It's not that you cannot have an opinion on something but if you are negative on everything it is not see as good.
This is my own personal understanding of the situation, I could be wrong, this is just my opinion.
Sometimes, the old adage of... If you can't say anything good about something say nothing at all may be useful.
I'm sure it will blow over soon enough, just try not to be too negative or provoking and then nobody has cause for complaint.

Regards, Paul. Aka Blademonkey.
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