olive Oil based soaps


As Hunneymonster posted you can link us to your site and or soaps through this forum.If you have some special offers on the go for TSR members please list them in the Vendor offer section.

Of course if you have samples and would like us as testers then I am sure there would be many members willing to provide feedback.

I have received products from that store before. I seen the brushes, very nice. Will the soap be on there when you get some packaged?
Audiolab said:
I have received products from that store before. I seen the brushes, very nice. Will the soap be on there when you get some packaged?

Guess so. The first batch with my final recipe will go to Paul Kox. Not sure yet whether he'll want jars, or wrapped cakes, and whether he will put them on the web site or just keep them in the shop, but he'll most likely receive like 2 kg of soap -- after which I will have to reorder the cocoabutter...

The only difference between what I will make for him and the stuff I'm currently offering for testing is the addition of some foam stabilizer to the new batches; I've tried it by adding some to my brush prior to lathering with the current batch, and it changes a good lathering soap into a great lathering soap...

henkverhaar said:
All of the 'shaving soap recipes' you'll find out there in the open on the internet yield cruddy shaving soap.


I've just caught up with this thread now that I'm finished playing with the leprauchauns. Just in case there are any misconceptions caused by the above remark (as I am aware that Henk himself may have been under this misconception from PMs we have exchanged), my soap is not made to an 'internet recipe'. It is a recipe I have devised myself.
To elaborate on the potassium issue; soap made with potassium makes soft or liquid soap. For this reason I have never experimented with it, not seeing any need to add to the landfill problem unnecessarily. I gather Henk has used both potassium and sodium hydroxide, so that his soap is semi solid. I note that Henk's soap will be marketed in jars.....I rest my case. I would also hypothesise that a hard bar of soap would last longer than soap that is so soft that it needs a jar....but I am happy and indeed eager for your comments on that. I may in the fullness of time get around to using some potassium if it seems necessary; although the feed back from my customers (and not just my husband!! to allude to comments made elsewhere) would not appear to indicate that it is necessary.