Oldest wet shaving forums

The original TOST closed down because the original admin went AWOL.
TOST2 will close because the costs are getting out of control and the hoster will not allow moving the content elsewhere.
A painful but inevitable decision.
A shame. I'm a sure it's a lot of work for the mod teams and a lot of lost information for the community.
Updated list:

1. Straight Razor Place Yahoo Groups

2. Charles Roberts MSN group

3. MSN Wetshavers

4. Sharprazorpalace forum(the old straightrazorplace forum)

5. Shavemyface forum

6. Badger and blade forum

7. The shave den forum(was created in 2007)

8. Theshavingroom.co.uk forum(was created in 2009)

9.Subreddit wicked_edge(was created in 2010)

10.Romanian forum forum.barbieritdelux.ro(was created in 2011) I am Romanian, that's why I've listed it

11.Shavenook forum(was created in 2012)

12.Romanian Wet Shaving Society(Facebook group created on 9 December 2014)

13.Damnfineshave forum the second incarnation(was created in 2015)

14.Atgshaving forum(was created in 2016)

15.The Facebook group Straight Razor Place Facebook(was created on 1 March 2018)

16.Theshavingcadre forum(was created on 14 March 2018)

17.The new straightrazorplace.com forum(created July 2019)

18.Romanian Facebook group Romanian Wet Shaving Club(created on 22 November 2019).
Shaving communities are online from mid '90.
At first with mIRC, then MSN Groups, then Yahoo Groups.
I was there.

About a decade after I started shaving, in mid '80.
Having a chronic dermatitis, for me was a game change.
New products, new techniques, new options.
It was exciting. A new world. For a young boy.