Oldest wet shaving forums

What are the oldest wet shaving forums(from the oldest the the newest) between: Shavemyface, Straightrazorplace, Badger&Blade, Shavenook, Theshaveden, Theshavingroom.co.uk, Damnfineshave, Atgsaving forum and the subreddit Wicked_edge?
What are the oldest wet shaving forums(from the oldest the the newest) between: Shavemyface, Straightrazorplace, Badger&Blade, Shavenook, Theshaveden, Theshavingroom.co.uk, Damnfineshave, Atgsaving forum and the subreddit Wicked_edge?
Look at the first post in the welcome forum for each one, except shavemyface which is on version 2 I think?
Reactions: abj

All is well my friend!

I swear I think B&B has a banning quota!
I've asked on the other forums that I've listed(not all of the since I'm registered to 8 only) and it seems that the chronological order is:
1. Straightrazorplace forum(now sharprazorpalace)
2. Shavemyface forum
3. Badger and blade forum
4. The shave den forum(was created in 2007)
5. Theshavingroom.co,uk forum(was created in 2009)
6. Subreddit wicked_edge(was created in 2010)
7. Romanian forum forum.barbieritdelux.ro(was created in 2011) I am Romanian, that's why I've listed it
8. Shavenook forum(was created in 2012)
9. Damnfineshave forum the second incarnation(was created in 2015)
10.Atgshaving forum(was created in 2016)
11. The facebook group straight razor place facebook(was created on 1 March 2018)
12. Theshavingcadre forum(was created on 14 March 2018)
These are the one I know of so far.
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