Old Spice


Staff Member
More a hopefully amusing tale than a useful post here but I hope it raises a smile.

I had just got scrubbed up to go out with, amongst others, four of my teenage grandchildren. I finished my routine with a gallon and a half of Old Spice A/S.

One of the kids said 'You smell nice, grandpa', so I asked if any of the youngsters know what it was. None of them did. They all agreed that they really liked it and two of the boys who are shaving wanted to know where they could buy it.

Could it be that enough time has passed that the 'Old Man scent' stories have faded away and 'Old Spice' will become the latest teenage fad?

Wouldn't that be nice?
I bought some Old Spice deodorant recently (it was on offer for a quid somewhere.)

When my 8 year old son smelled it he said "Urghh Dad, you stink!"
Never tried the deodorant! Can't be that bad.

Seriously, I reckon that almost anything adults consider a 'nice scent' will be anathema to a child. The youthful nose is sensitive and is overstimulated by strong odours. It's the teens that start to appreciate things. You get the same in taste as well - beer, whisky, olives, anchovies and similar powerful flavours are just not liked by youngsters.
Gairdner said:
Thanks for the primate, Martin.

Well if you're gonna have a jones of some kind, it should probably be from using the 'good stuff'. Heh, given to you by a buddy......one you trust.

Yeah, some people just cannot go without Old Spice. Looks like you noticed it can be somewhat addicting. The NEXT vintage bottle(s) bought from me will be expensive. They don't make the old juice anymore!!!

pjgh said:
I just bought some today ...

I've never used it before. My father was a Brut man. I really like it! My Mrs kind of does ... she'll learn.

Tabac, next.

Just a warning here for you pjgh,Tabac is nothing like Brut,I love Tabac but it's a bit of an acquired taste,certainly puts hairs on your chest though.


It will be worth it, I have no doubt. Now, if you had some of that vintage Burley juice......

Yer a proper buddy for sure. You may have given me the jones for the OS but you keep it sated too, fella.
Not the old formula Cologne, Fly. When you've worn some of that juice for a day, you will know what I mean. I'd send you some but A/ I'm a tight fisted Scottish b*****d and B/ The monkey will kill me! Only kidding - I'll send you a small sample if you would like some so PM me and I'll put you on my to do list. Don't expect it anytime soon because going outside further than my garden or regular dog walking routes is a major difficulty for me. But hey it will get there.....:angel::blush:
Martin is very kind that way, sending you things you can no longer get, just to tease you and to make you jealous of his stash. He also sent me some of the vintage Old Spice and very nice indeed it is. The problem is you can't get the damned stuff, so now thanks to our dodgy cousin I have a major itch that can't be scritched :-(
Nice to try it out though, and I have a few drops left in the sample I was sent which I am keeping aside for a rainy day.
What is it they say? It is better to have loved and lost, than to have never loved at all.
I gotta see what it is all about so thanks. I know all about that master enabler as I am in the safari soap club now! He must have a whole nuclear bunker full of the finest discontinued shaving products!
the Indian Old Spice is a lot nearer the vintage shulton than the P&G crap they sell now
