Oh Canada eh?

Hmmm not sure if this one should be here or in "The Lounge" (which I always want to call "The Linge", said in the same posh voice people use to say "trite" instead of "trout")...

Anyway, following on from a few posts in random locations, I'm going to British Columbia in Canada for 3 weeks on Saturday, are there any top Canadian shaving stuffs I should be looking for?
Apparently JM Frasers is quite good. Cheap as chips too!

Oh that there would be room in your suitcase for some of that!!!!!!!!!

I don't supose..... no course not......
quattrojames said:
Wow I love BC! Where are you going?
I'd like to say I'm going to most of it, but the problem is the place is so HUGE that even with three weeks' travelling we're barely scratching the surface.

We're doing a big loop, starting in Vancouver for a few days, then going over to Vancouver Island. Few days (including Canada Day) in Victoria, then we head up the island to Port Hardy. Catch a ferry from there up to Prince Rupert (just south of the dangling tail of Alaska), then the Skeena train through the Rockies to Jasper, AB. Then we're tear-assing it down the Icefield Parkway, back into BC at Field, then right down to the bottom of the province to the wine-making region, looping back to Vancouver with stops at Kelowna and Kamloops on the way.

If you really want to be bored rigid, there's a blog here of the trip we did to Alberta a couple of years ago, and I'll be adding to it as we go around BC.

cheese_dave said:
If you really want to be bored rigid, there's a blog here of the trip we did to Alberta a couple of years ago, and I'll be adding to it as we go around BC.

Ha well I'm a sucker for a travelblog, so I'll be sure to subscribe to that ;)

Sounds like a fantastic trip planned, I've travelled quite a lot in BC, but I've never been that far north. I love the wine region though, around Summerland etc.

Right, back to the shave stuff :cool:
JM Fraser's shaving creams are cheap and big; the original recipe is sold by the kilogram and the other 4 are sold b the 500g if I remember correctly. They also do ASLs but they aren't caller JM Fraser they're branded as Booster's. I only vaguely remember these from my youth in Canadian barber chairs (much like any other barber chairs, but they have extra splinters and a more distinct 'lumber and fresh sap' scent to them, to help remind Canucklings that they are a tougher but more humble breed of noble savage than the civilised world's citizens).

I don't know if you can find Minora razors & blades except in flea markets and charity/second-hand shops. They were originally produced by Dowd Blades, which got taken over by gillette and then slowly faded from the scene, though apparently as recent as a year or so back, they were made and distributed through South America, the Carribean and many areas of Africa (the blades and a modern plastic razor that might have been a disposable, was too difficult to tell from the one image I saw of it). I can't even find much of anything about Minora on the t'interweb - mostly search razors or razor blades or shaving with the word Minora, and it come up with links abojut dissertations re: female circumcision or pictorials about hairless cats ... or such like.

There were a couple of 'world famous' brush makers too... one company now defunct totally(? maybe?) - Fuller Brush Company, and the other I cannot remember the name of at this point, but they are still hugely well known for their paint brushes.

... so the short answer is JM Fraser .. .and that's about it these days. I don't know if any other 'Canadian' company is producing any shave stuff ... and I couldn't tell you about any shave specific artisans of note. Hey I haven't lived there for over 7 years, and I didn't wet shave much during the previous 40 years when I did - sorry.
cheese_dave said:
Mind you, you should apologise to the world for what you did to cheese.


At least KD has best before dates... not like the USA version of Velveeta ... the cheese that cannot die.

Many a Canuck university/college student has counted on the sustenance, if not nutrition of KD ... in times of financial ease, with hot dogs and ketchup, ... when money gets scarce: KD classic with half the packet of cheese dust and save the other half for popcorn sprinkling.
cheese_dave said:
I'm going to British Columbia in Canada for 3 weeks on Saturday, are there any top Canadian shaving stuffs I should be looking for?

Shouldn't you be shaving in the great outdoors with river water and a Bowie knife. This is not America.
Did Lumberjacks of yore not demonstrate their prowess in axe sharpening by shaving with their mighty choppers ? I'm sure I once knew a verse of a song about that.

antdad said:
Shouldn't you be shaving in the great outdoors with river water and a Bowie knife. This is not America.
No, it's Canada, and they have bears in the great outdoors. I'll be shaving in my hotel room :D
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