Numbers on blades

Secret code by the KGB (and you though they were no more eh?) which changes daily and cannot be deciphered by by enemy agents. Believed to indicate human target for throat cutting purposes so they can blame the death on the user's technique.
Don't believe any of them. It was designed by Derby it assist with SE uses. If you're using it in a SE razor or a Shavette you'll be able to remember which side of the blade to use on which day. You'll alway be shaving with the sharp side of the blade that way.
Only one more feature of Derby that most people don't appreciate!
What innovators!
Johnus said:
Don't believe any of them. It was designed by Derby it assist with SE uses. If you're using it in a SE razor or a Shavette you'll be able to remember which side of the blade to use on which day. You'll alway be shaving with the sharp side of the blade that way.
Only one more feature of Derby that most people don't appreciate!
What innovators!

dont agree with that.

never botherd doing that with my shavvete.

waste of time. snap blade in two and use one half then after 2/3rd shave in bin then next.

if i forget usually as its been a while since i used it i bin it then use a new one
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