Novice Straight Razor Question

If I had it to do all over again I'd...
Really. Start with a Feather Straight or even better one of its cheaper clones and the Feather ProGuard blade. You'll safely learn what a good straight should be able to do without slicing yourself up! Once you have your technique down you can start the on the path to ruination with the old style straights.

Remember .. It's not only learning the shaving technique but the maintenance too. The Feather clone route is the easiest way to start.

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Remember!!! The ProGuard blade!!!! It's like a straight with training wheels. It's just so much easier!

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This sounds interesting to me, I have tried several shaves now, stumbling at certain places across the face but I am also wary if I am messing up the blade with poor stropping. So at times I have wondered when the blade is pulling a lot if I have not stropped correctly or if my technique is to blame and like you say this is straight with training wheels :) In terms of technique that you would be learning would there be a difference between using a shavette with a problade and straight razor?
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This sounds interesting to me, I have tried several shaves now, stumbling at certain places across the face but I am also wary if I am messing up the blade with poor stropping. So at times I have wondered when the blade is pulling a lot if I have not stropped correctly or if my technique is to blame and like you say this is straight with training wheels :) In terms of technique that you would be learning would there be a difference between using a shavette with a problade and straight razor?
Night & Day..There is a Big Difference with a Traditional SR..Two Different Animals..;)

:) Thank you. I have been doing a lot of reading last couple of hours and realise now that I have a straight its better to learn from that. Seems lot more horror stories on the shavette. I was just intrigued as the non stropping was one less variable on why I cant shave properly :)

My wife decided to buy me a present for my new suicide venture with straight razors and got me a vintage HG Long 5/8th

I will try and be a bit more careful on stropping. Has anyone come across one of these? Are they good?
:) Thank you. I have been doing a lot of reading last couple of hours and realise now that I have a straight its better to learn from that. Seems lot more horror stories on the shavette. I was just intrigued as the non stropping was one less variable on why I cant shave properly :)

My wife decided to buy me a present for my new suicide venture with straight razors and got me a vintage HG Long 5/8th

I will try and be a bit more careful on stropping. Has anyone come across one of these? Are they good?
If its Shave Ready as He Says then it Will be a Lovely Shaver..:D

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